Hello, hello, hello!
its coming to the end of 2008. time flies huh?
k soooo, i've alot to update but i'll just make it short.
im having difficulty sleeping at night! ever since aft Christmas
and as days and nights passes by. I think i have insomia. ):
grrrrrrr. so hard to sleep k. Keep thinking alotttttt like my
O'ssssss. tsk.
I miss bffffs. No one to talk and reminisce memories in 2008 with.
RMSG is officially missing in my inbox. argh. Im guessing something's
wrong with her SIM card. damn. I cant wait for her to backkkkkkk!
i have millions of things to tell her. I wanna chat with Alyyyyyyy! But
im always waking up late, late, late! gosh. I wanna connect back with
mariel! its been months, months and months!
Im gng jogging later with bffs yimling and renee! yeaaaah! feel like shopping
with them! but nahh, such limited time. and super last minute. hahaah.
i cant wait for my O's to be over. hahahaha. okay, thats still a long wayyyyy
down. like what my mom told me "there's always a trial before we can obtain
happiness" hahaha cute advice.
so, i ask myself if im prepared for next yr? haaha. yes, no, maybe?
and im excited and happy for my sister. (: she's going to study
tourism in some school. lollllll. Archille, the brother is gng to school
with me nxt yr. hahaha.
Another thing awaits me is my mommyyyyy and two lil sissyyys! hehe.
they are coming back here nxt yr smewhere in between march to may?
yeah, holidays here man. but havent booked tickets. lolllll.
i have millions to pictures to upload from all the events and outings i've
been going and some camwhores. nxt yr lah k. haha.
anw, im not so sure if i can update tmr or the nxt few days or what so,
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
the aftermath of Christmas. haha.
Christmas was GREAAATTT. Lots of Great foods which
will surely make me gain weight. mwaha.
went home super late last night, 12.30am. plus we walked
home from CCK to BB. (:
so, there's a few days left before the end of 2 0 0 8.
ALLLL my homeworks are untouched. damn.
which means, im gonna be preparing for school and do
all those stuffs and etc etc for the rest of the remaining
gah, why do i always do things at the eleventh hour?
and oh, i've come up with a New Year Resolution. hahaha.
okay bye. im in a rush now. WILL TRY to update sometime.
i have to alot to say. ahaha.
the aftermath of Christmas. haha.
Christmas was GREAAATTT. Lots of Great foods which
will surely make me gain weight. mwaha.
went home super late last night, 12.30am. plus we walked
home from CCK to BB. (:
so, there's a few days left before the end of 2 0 0 8.
ALLLL my homeworks are untouched. damn.
which means, im gonna be preparing for school and do
all those stuffs and etc etc for the rest of the remaining
gah, why do i always do things at the eleventh hour?
and oh, i've come up with a New Year Resolution. hahaha.
okay bye. im in a rush now. WILL TRY to update sometime.
i have to alot to say. ahaha.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
i dont know if i should get pissed or whattttt.
but what the hellllll?!
im starting to dislike soooome peoople. ohno!
sooo, i woke up early because i told aly that i would catch her online.
mwaha. and i did. i made her dayyy and she made mine though i nvr
told her online. haha, yayyyyy! i just realised it. im slow.
i missss bfffffs. i want them anrd nowwwwwww. heh, so demanding.
i neeed to talk to themmmm and @#$#%$%$^%&&*@#$$%#%#%!
soooo, Simbang Gabi ehhh. It has veeen fffunnnn. fuuun in a sense of
grabbing foood, squeezing thru the crowd, MEEETING OLD FRIENDS
and Father Angel's Homily. haha yesss, i've been listening 1000000%
tonight will be at St Francis. haha, my first church in SG.
like i said, i've been meeting lots of old friends, childhood friends etcccc.
i've seen some familiar faces but ehhh, im nt sure if i knw them. lollllllll.
Christ the King Church was funnny. haha. me and sibs were really pushing
thru the crowd to get the food and there were a million of people ahead of us.
they were passing up the foood and there was this lady who kept laughing and
grabbing any food that comes into her hands. lolll, she was like screaming and
laughing at the same time upon seeing the fooods and there were people shouting
"nandito na yung pancit!" hahaha cute.
anddddddddd i brought RENEE along. hahaha. retarded, i know. i told her to
laugh if i laugh. hahaha. i was kidding lah k.
ytd, went to AES. yessssssh, brother going to that school. mwaha. kana force
by father. we were late for his orientation ehhh. was supposed to report at
0830am and we woke up at 9am. lolll, john was like calling me. and oh yeah,
his bro, josh is gng to AES as well. but too bad, aint in the same class as brother.
ah, i better go offf now. i have yet to eat my breakfast etc etc.
and i take back abt disliking some people. ITS CHRISTMAS YO. (:
i dont know if i should get pissed or whattttt.
but what the hellllll?!
im starting to dislike soooome peoople. ohno!
sooo, i woke up early because i told aly that i would catch her online.
mwaha. and i did. i made her dayyy and she made mine though i nvr
told her online. haha, yayyyyy! i just realised it. im slow.
i missss bfffffs. i want them anrd nowwwwwww. heh, so demanding.
i neeed to talk to themmmm and @#$#%$%$^%&&*@#$$%#%#%!
soooo, Simbang Gabi ehhh. It has veeen fffunnnn. fuuun in a sense of
grabbing foood, squeezing thru the crowd, MEEETING OLD FRIENDS
and Father Angel's Homily. haha yesss, i've been listening 1000000%
tonight will be at St Francis. haha, my first church in SG.
like i said, i've been meeting lots of old friends, childhood friends etcccc.
i've seen some familiar faces but ehhh, im nt sure if i knw them. lollllllll.
Christ the King Church was funnny. haha. me and sibs were really pushing
thru the crowd to get the food and there were a million of people ahead of us.
they were passing up the foood and there was this lady who kept laughing and
grabbing any food that comes into her hands. lolll, she was like screaming and
laughing at the same time upon seeing the fooods and there were people shouting
"nandito na yung pancit!" hahaha cute.
anddddddddd i brought RENEE along. hahaha. retarded, i know. i told her to
laugh if i laugh. hahaha. i was kidding lah k.
ytd, went to AES. yessssssh, brother going to that school. mwaha. kana force
by father. we were late for his orientation ehhh. was supposed to report at
0830am and we woke up at 9am. lolll, john was like calling me. and oh yeah,
his bro, josh is gng to AES as well. but too bad, aint in the same class as brother.
ah, i better go offf now. i have yet to eat my breakfast etc etc.
and i take back abt disliking some people. ITS CHRISTMAS YO. (:
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
hello, hello, hello!
eee. im back from the dinner and dance. OMG.
i love love love LOVE the ENTERTAINER/HOST!!!
he's like soooooo funnnyyyyyy. i was laughing my ass
off all the while! hahaha.
they played games and stufff. The first game, they
played ten different songs from ten different countries,
and we have to write it down. too bad, my table got
the 7th song wrongly. lollllll. A pinoy song came out,
hahaha .. the pinoy big brother song.
and then, there was this game which was something abt
soccer and soo, they called out four people with four
different languages - hokkien, tamil, malay and dutch.
lollll, and guess what? they had to pretend to be a soccer
commentator (sp?) and hahaha, they had to comment in their
own respective language. The host pretended to be
some famous soccer players like Cristiano Ronaldo.
and when the commentator shout "GOAAALLLL"
we had to lift our napkins and swing it in the air plus a song
would play "oleh! oleh! oleh! "
this game was HAHAHAHAHAHA. :D
not to forget to mention, the host was KINDA or rather hornyyyy!
hahahahaha. awesomely hilarious!
"Boleh tahan, press me lah!" - LOLLLLLLL!
and he can like imitate all the different accents.
well, cause the theme was actually "Where dreams take flight"
something abt boarding and like coming from different countries.
which is why some people were wearing cheong sam/bajung kurung/
thai/japan etccc .. and there was even a guy who dressed up as
HERCULES. hahahaha.
and there was this part where the people on stage had to do the
hussle (sp?) dance. and the dance steps had to do sth with " push harder"
and omgggg, he asked the contestants silllyyyy, funnny, hornyyy
questions. hahahahah. hilarious lahhhh.
the foood was uhmmm yum? haha, well cause my dad chose VEGETARIAN.
tsk tsk .. -.- and i had be a vegetarian for the night.
and everyone had champange in the endddddd. yeaaahh babyyy.
haha, i dnt regret going(duh!) . cause in the first place, i was hesistant to go,
i mean adults there eehhhhh but haha i was wrong. there were kids
and a lil bit of teenagers.
soooo, i pretty much elaborated what happened tonight. lolllll.
the host's jokes are pretty much still in my head. hahaha. (:
eee. im back from the dinner and dance. OMG.
i love love love LOVE the ENTERTAINER/HOST!!!
he's like soooooo funnnyyyyyy. i was laughing my ass
off all the while! hahaha.
they played games and stufff. The first game, they
played ten different songs from ten different countries,
and we have to write it down. too bad, my table got
the 7th song wrongly. lollllll. A pinoy song came out,
hahaha .. the pinoy big brother song.
and then, there was this game which was something abt
soccer and soo, they called out four people with four
different languages - hokkien, tamil, malay and dutch.
lollll, and guess what? they had to pretend to be a soccer
commentator (sp?) and hahaha, they had to comment in their
own respective language. The host pretended to be
some famous soccer players like Cristiano Ronaldo.
and when the commentator shout "GOAAALLLL"
we had to lift our napkins and swing it in the air plus a song
would play "oleh! oleh! oleh! "
this game was HAHAHAHAHAHA. :D
not to forget to mention, the host was KINDA or rather hornyyyy!
hahahahaha. awesomely hilarious!
"Boleh tahan, press me lah!" - LOLLLLLLL!
and he can like imitate all the different accents.
well, cause the theme was actually "Where dreams take flight"
something abt boarding and like coming from different countries.
which is why some people were wearing cheong sam/bajung kurung/
thai/japan etccc .. and there was even a guy who dressed up as
HERCULES. hahahaha.
and there was this part where the people on stage had to do the
hussle (sp?) dance. and the dance steps had to do sth with " push harder"
and omgggg, he asked the contestants silllyyyy, funnny, hornyyy
questions. hahahahah. hilarious lahhhh.
the foood was uhmmm yum? haha, well cause my dad chose VEGETARIAN.
tsk tsk .. -.- and i had be a vegetarian for the night.
and everyone had champange in the endddddd. yeaaahh babyyy.
haha, i dnt regret going(duh!) . cause in the first place, i was hesistant to go,
i mean adults there eehhhhh but haha i was wrong. there were kids
and a lil bit of teenagers.
soooo, i pretty much elaborated what happened tonight. lolllll.
the host's jokes are pretty much still in my head. hahaha. (:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
awwww. reggy has left and surely is in phil now.
im super envious of her. -.- lolll, she smsed which was
a few hours ago. k soooooooooo,
i stayed at home the whole day today! yay .. not! did
some housework :D and tried to revise A-maths, instead
ended up reading A book. watch some movies, dvd lah k.
and basically thats what i've been doing the whole dayyyy.
and ohh, tmr im going with my dad to his company's dinner
and dance at Shangri-la. And they have a dress code, its
like those spanish dresses etc .. but i'll just be wearing a simple
dress. Dad wanted to help me find one but i was kinda lazyyyy
to go out. heeeeh. it was raining just now and i was craving for
chocolate! (: looking at the weather, i wanted to go out and enjoy
the cool cool breeze but at the same time, i wanted to stay at home
and chilllll.
i wish i cld hve been in Phil at times like these. I would have been
probably sitting out and savouring it all.
sometimes, i hate being stuck in a building. :C
Christmas is nearing and i dont feel the Christmas Spirit even with
all the lightings along Orchard road. I hate to say these, but the
X'mas Tress isnt up yet! D: yes, yes .. i know .. like "what the heck?!"
thats when mom is really needed arnd. Dad has been pretty busy
with work and so, dont hve much time to go shopping, prolly nxt
week, hopefully. But wait till, SB .. haha, i'll probably be feeling it arnd
that time. ((((:
and ah, im happy happy! I've received my mom's Christmas presents,
imported from Phil okayyyyy. hahaa. BUT BUT BUT I cant fit in
with the shirts my mom gave me. Its like so smallll and tight for me. D:
maybe, my mom shld have sent me $$$ instead, :D
heh, i suddenly miss my mom, jubelyn and Gretchel! tsk. and aha, i have
news! .. lollll. J and G wanna come back to S'pore. lolllll. esp Gretchel. Everytime,
i speak on the phone with her, she would be like :
G: ate kit! i miss you! when you coming?
me: haha, miss you too! oh oh, soon. really soon.
G: then why are you tking so long? *whines*
me: yah yah, sooon. you tok to daddy k.
*passes the phone to dad*
G: daddy! you coming night time or morning time?
dad: hahahaha!
or sometimes, she'll be "when you picking me up? i miss
awwww, lil sis misses me and S'pore! (: hahahah.
omg, i think i gain weight like uhohhh! i cant fit into some of my
clothes. -.- dad thinks its because im eating too much bread. like
hahaha. but yah really, i think so too. Trust my dad to make so
much bread cause he bought this breadmaker few months ago
and the bread really taste goood. hmmm ..
i feel so jumpy. my topics are all random and is jumping from here
to there. I feel like using the computer all night. maybe watch
miss no good since i wont be able to catch it tmr. heeh. good idea. (:
think i shld head off now before i start toking retarded/rubbish stuffs
because im really feeling weird/idntknoe/idntknow/idntnoe.
bye he! (:
im super envious of her. -.- lolll, she smsed which was
a few hours ago. k soooooooooo,
i stayed at home the whole day today! yay .. not! did
some housework :D and tried to revise A-maths, instead
ended up reading A book. watch some movies, dvd lah k.
and basically thats what i've been doing the whole dayyyy.
and ohh, tmr im going with my dad to his company's dinner
and dance at Shangri-la. And they have a dress code, its
like those spanish dresses etc .. but i'll just be wearing a simple
dress. Dad wanted to help me find one but i was kinda lazyyyy
to go out. heeeeh. it was raining just now and i was craving for
chocolate! (: looking at the weather, i wanted to go out and enjoy
the cool cool breeze but at the same time, i wanted to stay at home
and chilllll.
i wish i cld hve been in Phil at times like these. I would have been
probably sitting out and savouring it all.
sometimes, i hate being stuck in a building. :C
Christmas is nearing and i dont feel the Christmas Spirit even with
all the lightings along Orchard road. I hate to say these, but the
X'mas Tress isnt up yet! D: yes, yes .. i know .. like "what the heck?!"
thats when mom is really needed arnd. Dad has been pretty busy
with work and so, dont hve much time to go shopping, prolly nxt
week, hopefully. But wait till, SB .. haha, i'll probably be feeling it arnd
that time. ((((:
and ah, im happy happy! I've received my mom's Christmas presents,
imported from Phil okayyyyy. hahaa. BUT BUT BUT I cant fit in
with the shirts my mom gave me. Its like so smallll and tight for me. D:
maybe, my mom shld have sent me $$$ instead, :D
heh, i suddenly miss my mom, jubelyn and Gretchel! tsk. and aha, i have
news! .. lollll. J and G wanna come back to S'pore. lolllll. esp Gretchel. Everytime,
i speak on the phone with her, she would be like :
G: ate kit! i miss you! when you coming?
me: haha, miss you too! oh oh, soon. really soon.
G: then why are you tking so long? *whines*
me: yah yah, sooon. you tok to daddy k.
*passes the phone to dad*
G: daddy! you coming night time or morning time?
dad: hahahaha!
or sometimes, she'll be "when you picking me up? i miss
awwww, lil sis misses me and S'pore! (: hahahah.
omg, i think i gain weight like uhohhh! i cant fit into some of my
clothes. -.- dad thinks its because im eating too much bread. like
hahaha. but yah really, i think so too. Trust my dad to make so
much bread cause he bought this breadmaker few months ago
and the bread really taste goood. hmmm ..
i feel so jumpy. my topics are all random and is jumping from here
to there. I feel like using the computer all night. maybe watch
miss no good since i wont be able to catch it tmr. heeh. good idea. (:
think i shld head off now before i start toking retarded/rubbish stuffs
because im really feeling weird/idntknoe/idntknow/idntnoe.
bye he! (:
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
i decided to delete my previous post.
felt so bad about it though i was just expressing
some anger. But like i said, i dnt bear grudges.
heeh. (:
i had plans today. i had. My plan was to meet reggy at 12pm
and then head home to change and go out with renee and maybe
yimling. yeaaah.
so well, yes. I meet reg at Bt Gombak, cause she had to go and
buy medicine for her brother. Aft which, we decided to hang out
in Little Guilin. We ended up climbing the rocks and cam-whore.
heeeh, it was funny and sweaty. I was feeling ready to head home
when my stupid cramps attacked me. ughhhh! I felt tired/sleepy
and became ... moodless? haha, is there such words? so anw, i smsed
renee to cancel our outing because i din want my cramps to get into
our way when we are having fun and kill my happy mood. Sat one corner
to rest for awhile cause i was in pain. tskkkk. and reg was in the mood
for cam-whoring. haha.
i still feel bad for cancelling our outing though. But, blame it on the cramps.
ever since i reached home, i've been in my bed, lying down and looking so
emotional but hah, no. i was just stoning and was hugging my pillow tight. loll.
so you see, i spent hours on bed today, totally doing nothing but spacing out,
listening to music and trying to sleep.
thats the effects of my stupid cramps.
Reggy is leaving tmr! awwwww. She's gonna have fun in PHIL. really.
her first x'mas and new year. haha. i rmb my last x'mas in phil. it was
totally enjoyable with all the fireworks, boom boom boom. and the
screaming and cheers and greetings from my cousins and neighbours,
all those were like, EIGHT years ago. -.-' which is why, im so keen to
celebrate x'mas there this yr or whichever yr but sadly, no. but anw,
i'll be gng for SB with teody and angel and maybe some other ppl. yay.
plus my sibs lah. [:
ytd, i was s'ppose to spend the afternoon with reggy but she
woke up late .. and we decided to just head down to westmall
to return our library books and we tagged along our brothers. hahah.
we were like reading mags in the lib while our brothers were in
timezone playing "bang! bang! bang!" haha, thats how reggy brother
call the timezone. haha cute. so we din get to do much catching ups
which is why we met up earlier. haha.
anw, today was our last outing for this year. awwwwww.
im gonna missss reginamaesalibiogorada! She wont be with me on
the first day of school. how sad is that? and not to forget, our first
pastoral attachment too. tsk. HAPPPYYY TRIPPPPP REGGY!
MOMENT! and when hot juicy stuffs comes up, please dont call
me saying " omg, just nw sth happened! im busy now and i've got
no load so bye " DONT do that. your gonna kill me with all those
suspense. haha, so CALL ME OKAY? lollll.
gonna misszxzxzxx yazxzxz! :DDD
i feel like crawling back to bed. :/but hah no no no, im gonna go
switch on my tv and catch miss no good.
so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
i decided to delete my previous post.
felt so bad about it though i was just expressing
some anger. But like i said, i dnt bear grudges.
heeh. (:
i had plans today. i had. My plan was to meet reggy at 12pm
and then head home to change and go out with renee and maybe
yimling. yeaaah.
so well, yes. I meet reg at Bt Gombak, cause she had to go and
buy medicine for her brother. Aft which, we decided to hang out
in Little Guilin. We ended up climbing the rocks and cam-whore.
heeeh, it was funny and sweaty. I was feeling ready to head home
when my stupid cramps attacked me. ughhhh! I felt tired/sleepy
and became ... moodless? haha, is there such words? so anw, i smsed
renee to cancel our outing because i din want my cramps to get into
our way when we are having fun and kill my happy mood. Sat one corner
to rest for awhile cause i was in pain. tskkkk. and reg was in the mood
for cam-whoring. haha.
i still feel bad for cancelling our outing though. But, blame it on the cramps.
ever since i reached home, i've been in my bed, lying down and looking so
emotional but hah, no. i was just stoning and was hugging my pillow tight. loll.
so you see, i spent hours on bed today, totally doing nothing but spacing out,
listening to music and trying to sleep.
thats the effects of my stupid cramps.
Reggy is leaving tmr! awwwww. She's gonna have fun in PHIL. really.
her first x'mas and new year. haha. i rmb my last x'mas in phil. it was
totally enjoyable with all the fireworks, boom boom boom. and the
screaming and cheers and greetings from my cousins and neighbours,
all those were like, EIGHT years ago. -.-' which is why, im so keen to
celebrate x'mas there this yr or whichever yr but sadly, no. but anw,
i'll be gng for SB with teody and angel and maybe some other ppl. yay.
plus my sibs lah. [:
ytd, i was s'ppose to spend the afternoon with reggy but she
woke up late .. and we decided to just head down to westmall
to return our library books and we tagged along our brothers. hahah.
we were like reading mags in the lib while our brothers were in
timezone playing "bang! bang! bang!" haha, thats how reggy brother
call the timezone. haha cute. so we din get to do much catching ups
which is why we met up earlier. haha.
anw, today was our last outing for this year. awwwwww.
im gonna missss reginamaesalibiogorada! She wont be with me on
the first day of school. how sad is that? and not to forget, our first
pastoral attachment too. tsk. HAPPPYYY TRIPPPPP REGGY!
MOMENT! and when hot juicy stuffs comes up, please dont call
me saying " omg, just nw sth happened! im busy now and i've got
no load so bye " DONT do that. your gonna kill me with all those
suspense. haha, so CALL ME OKAY? lollll.
gonna misszxzxzxx yazxzxz! :DDD
i feel like crawling back to bed. :/but hah no no no, im gonna go
switch on my tv and catch miss no good.
so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Out with reg and bro on wednesday. It was lolllll.
Bro was forced to follow me. haahaha.
On the way home, reg and my bro were pretty nosiy
cause they were playing some hp games and reg was
practically hitting my bro. hahahaha. I guess thats
the way they bond. haha.
Ytd, CAC X'mas Partyyyyy. It was urrhhh okayyyy,
pretty weasy plain ehhhhh. :/ Dinner was like full
of junkzxzx food, so unhealthy can? Aft awhile, people
were sprawling on the dancefloor. It was funnny. haha.
I was like eating potato chips, watching them and feeling
toot colddddd. Four aircons and 16 degress each. -.-
Most of the night was spent with ann, walking arnd ..
in and out. lollll.
and i was pretty weasy feeling exhausted at that point
of time. Earlier, Me and bro were on the way to Bishan
to meet our relatives from Phil and we had to take some
stuffs my mom send us from them. Upon arriving Bishan,
we called them and they were like in Jurong Bird Park,
like WTH. So we continued our journey to Great World City
to meet my mom's friend, Tita Gina who is migrating to
CANADA .. Canada again eh? then blahhhhhhh.
and Reggy was MIA. She bail out at the eleventh hour. -.-' ...
wooh ho, I just realised something .. for CAC X'mas Party 2006,
me and mariel were absent. 2007, me and aly went for like
what? only 15-30 mins and we left for SB so reg was left alone
and this year? heh, i was alone. No bffs present. haha dot.
Bro was forced to follow me. haahaha.
On the way home, reg and my bro were pretty nosiy
cause they were playing some hp games and reg was
practically hitting my bro. hahahaha. I guess thats
the way they bond. haha.
Ytd, CAC X'mas Partyyyyy. It was urrhhh okayyyy,
pretty weasy plain ehhhhh. :/ Dinner was like full
of junkzxzx food, so unhealthy can? Aft awhile, people
were sprawling on the dancefloor. It was funnny. haha.
I was like eating potato chips, watching them and feeling
toot colddddd. Four aircons and 16 degress each. -.-
Most of the night was spent with ann, walking arnd ..
in and out. lollll.
and i was pretty weasy feeling exhausted at that point
of time. Earlier, Me and bro were on the way to Bishan
to meet our relatives from Phil and we had to take some
stuffs my mom send us from them. Upon arriving Bishan,
we called them and they were like in Jurong Bird Park,
like WTH. So we continued our journey to Great World City
to meet my mom's friend, Tita Gina who is migrating to
CANADA .. Canada again eh? then blahhhhhhh.
and Reggy was MIA. She bail out at the eleventh hour. -.-' ...
wooh ho, I just realised something .. for CAC X'mas Party 2006,
me and mariel were absent. 2007, me and aly went for like
what? only 15-30 mins and we left for SB so reg was left alone
and this year? heh, i was alone. No bffs present. haha dot.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Its Dec now babehhh, Christmas is almost here! :D
howeverrrr, im predicting that x'mas is gonna be
boo-oh-ring. tskkk. arghhhhhh. think postive ..
even Simbang Gabi .. no one to go withh! }:
sister's gonna be workingg and mom and lil sissys
are in the phil. gahhhh. First x'mas without mom
and lil sissys i guess? imagine .. how boring its gonna be.
I've been reading my old posts like .. in DEC '06 & '07.
hahaha yeah, those good ol' SB days. 2006 was with
Mariel's family and then, they migrated .. 2007 was
with Alyy's fam and then, they migrated .. tsk?!
hahaha. Looking backk, it was so so fun. heeeh. We
would reserve seats for one another and then go food
grabbing esp with mariel! lollllll. And we would sms each
other to update where we were and to hurry up cause it
was so paisehhh, reserving one whole row of seats. hahaaha!
and then, there was this post .. and i rmb .. me, aly and reg's
first time ever, watching a movie tgth. hahaha. I rmb me
going the wrong way and aly thinking that the advertisement
board was the door and there were less than 10 ppl in the
cine and reg laughing like an idiot for dunno-whad-reason
and she, sitting like its her own home and almost kick
someone's head. LOL, it was rlly full of craps. And that movie
was Bratz. (ithinkso) hahaaha. i miss those timessss.
okay, so i wont "talk" now. Gonna post pics uppp and downnn.

lolll, our heads missing.

okay, those above are @ marina barrage.

reggy and her sibs.

Alvin's & Justin's Holy Communion.
nxt, AES Open House.

@ Hort Parkkk.

okay, so i think thats kinda lot of pic.
its pretty lonely thinking ders only me and reg
left .. without aly and mariel. .. }=
like hanging out and etcetc. But we still
have funnnn, haha [:
kay so that was pretty random of me.
niway, i love this blogskin. Its simple
and neat. I had a hard time looking for
skins like this k. cause most of it
were like .. idk?
k, bye. Having sme plans these week.
dnt wanna mention it or else it'll
get jinx. lollll, am i making any
and reggy's leaving for in pinas in a few
days time. danggggggg.
Its Dec now babehhh, Christmas is almost here! :D
howeverrrr, im predicting that x'mas is gonna be
boo-oh-ring. tskkk. arghhhhhh. think postive ..
even Simbang Gabi .. no one to go withh! }:
sister's gonna be workingg and mom and lil sissys
are in the phil. gahhhh. First x'mas without mom
and lil sissys i guess? imagine .. how boring its gonna be.
I've been reading my old posts like .. in DEC '06 & '07.
hahaha yeah, those good ol' SB days. 2006 was with
Mariel's family and then, they migrated .. 2007 was
with Alyy's fam and then, they migrated .. tsk?!
hahaha. Looking backk, it was so so fun. heeeh. We
would reserve seats for one another and then go food
grabbing esp with mariel! lollllll. And we would sms each
other to update where we were and to hurry up cause it
was so paisehhh, reserving one whole row of seats. hahaaha!
and then, there was this post .. and i rmb .. me, aly and reg's
first time ever, watching a movie tgth. hahaha. I rmb me
going the wrong way and aly thinking that the advertisement
board was the door and there were less than 10 ppl in the
cine and reg laughing like an idiot for dunno-whad-reason
and she, sitting like its her own home and almost kick
someone's head. LOL, it was rlly full of craps. And that movie
was Bratz. (ithinkso) hahaaha. i miss those timessss.
okay, so i wont "talk" now. Gonna post pics uppp and downnn.
lolll, our heads missing.
okay, those above are @ marina barrage.
reggy and her sibs.
Alvin's & Justin's Holy Communion.
nxt, AES Open House.
@ Hort Parkkk.
okay, so i think thats kinda lot of pic.
its pretty lonely thinking ders only me and reg
left .. without aly and mariel. .. }=
like hanging out and etcetc. But we still
have funnnn, haha [:
kay so that was pretty random of me.
niway, i love this blogskin. Its simple
and neat. I had a hard time looking for
skins like this k. cause most of it
were like .. idk?
k, bye. Having sme plans these week.
dnt wanna mention it or else it'll
get jinx. lollll, am i making any
and reggy's leaving for in pinas in a few
days time. danggggggg.
Quiz by le-gi-na (Regina, la!) heeh. (:
1)The person who tagged you is?
2)Your relationship with him/her?
my bestfriend (:
3)Your 5 impressions of her/him?
retarded/blur/funny/irritating/helpful :D
4)The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
twoyrs of friendship is pretty long .. - alot, cant count em.
5)The most memorable thing she/he had said to you?
Its in the letter ... :D
6)If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?
lover? maybe .. NOT. EW! never will happen.
7)If she/he becomes your enemy, you will?
beg on her knees? severe ties with her? but naaaah,
never will happen, kaaaaayyy. (cant imagine it though)
8)What is it you want to tell him/her now?
Dont migrate, please. (if you are gng to)
9)Your overall impression of her/him is?
assurance. (sp?)
10)How do u think people around you will feel around you?
dnt know. hw abt asking them?
11)Characters you love of yourself are?
idntknow .. accepting me, myself and I.
12)On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are?
i dnt hate it, those are just my negative.
its part of being me.
13)The most ideal person you want to be is?
lolllllll .. havent figured it out yet ..
14)For people that care and like you, say something to them.
15)Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you.
only want ONE person and thats y0u, Alyanna F N Bulao! =D
soooo .. i shall stop the quiz here .. not gonna go on with part2. hahaha,
lazy much? im gonna go off now and open up my lovely school books.
Quiz by le-gi-na (Regina, la!) heeh. (:
1)The person who tagged you is?
2)Your relationship with him/her?
my bestfriend (:
3)Your 5 impressions of her/him?
retarded/blur/funny/irritating/helpful :D
4)The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
twoyrs of friendship is pretty long .. - alot, cant count em.
5)The most memorable thing she/he had said to you?
Its in the letter ... :D
6)If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?
lover? maybe .. NOT. EW! never will happen.
7)If she/he becomes your enemy, you will?
beg on her knees? severe ties with her? but naaaah,
never will happen, kaaaaayyy. (cant imagine it though)
8)What is it you want to tell him/her now?
Dont migrate, please. (if you are gng to)
9)Your overall impression of her/him is?
assurance. (sp?)
10)How do u think people around you will feel around you?
dnt know. hw abt asking them?
11)Characters you love of yourself are?
idntknow .. accepting me, myself and I.
12)On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are?
i dnt hate it, those are just my negative.
its part of being me.
13)The most ideal person you want to be is?
lolllllll .. havent figured it out yet ..
14)For people that care and like you, say something to them.
15)Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you.
only want ONE person and thats y0u, Alyanna F N Bulao! =D
soooo .. i shall stop the quiz here .. not gonna go on with part2. hahaha,
lazy much? im gonna go off now and open up my lovely school books.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Life's not so boring now.
Thursday: went out with reggy reg, hean and eugene
to vivo .. and watched four christmases. Its funny but
it din really made my stomach ache.
Reg and I left earlier cause sissy wanted to meet me
in westmall. But on the way, we saw this kinda unique
bridge and so, out of curiosity we dropped by. haha.
It turns out to be Hort Park. Wanted to cam-whore but
stupid camera had to die. tskkk.
and then, we got lazy to meet my sis cause she was suddenly
in lot1, -.- Had dinner in IMM and window-shopped and then
homeeeee. :D
yeeeeah. haha. kay so, it was a long day.
Yimling couldnt meet us earlier so me and renee decided to
go smewhere in town. She brought me to this place called
Haji Lane. haha, we cam-whored like toot toot. Window-
shopped arnd and sucha alot of vintage stuffs there.
then, called yimling and our plan was to meet her in city hall.
While waiting, we dropped by the central lending national library.
The view from the top was wow. heh.
and suddenly, yimling called and she was in Clarke Quay (?!!)
lollll, apparently she missed her stop.
and so, me and renee actually WALKED from BUGIS MRT STATION
to SINGPORE RIVER. We were alry near but our legs were really
dying. hahaaaah, we saw this uncle and his trishaw and renee was like
"eh, lets go and take that" and yes, we paid a total of 10 bucks just for the
trishaw. hahaha, felt so touristy.
Finally, we met yimling and dinner at Long John's ...
went to watch a live gig at Esplanade Waterfront. lollllll. The band was
playing some hardcore songs, not really my kind of music.
Travelled back home and had a chit chat session in the basketball court.
hahahaaaah. (((:
anyway, im thinking of workingggg (?) sister has found a job. tskkk.
but idk. I think i shld just stay home and slacked. lollllll.
i'll see.
Thursday: went out with reggy reg, hean and eugene
to vivo .. and watched four christmases. Its funny but
it din really made my stomach ache.
Reg and I left earlier cause sissy wanted to meet me
in westmall. But on the way, we saw this kinda unique
bridge and so, out of curiosity we dropped by. haha.
It turns out to be Hort Park. Wanted to cam-whore but
stupid camera had to die. tskkk.
and then, we got lazy to meet my sis cause she was suddenly
in lot1, -.- Had dinner in IMM and window-shopped and then
homeeeee. :D
yeeeeah. haha. kay so, it was a long day.
Yimling couldnt meet us earlier so me and renee decided to
go smewhere in town. She brought me to this place called
Haji Lane. haha, we cam-whored like toot toot. Window-
shopped arnd and sucha alot of vintage stuffs there.
then, called yimling and our plan was to meet her in city hall.
While waiting, we dropped by the central lending national library.
The view from the top was wow. heh.
and suddenly, yimling called and she was in Clarke Quay (?!!)
lollll, apparently she missed her stop.
and so, me and renee actually WALKED from BUGIS MRT STATION
to SINGPORE RIVER. We were alry near but our legs were really
dying. hahaaaah, we saw this uncle and his trishaw and renee was like
"eh, lets go and take that" and yes, we paid a total of 10 bucks just for the
trishaw. hahaha, felt so touristy.
Finally, we met yimling and dinner at Long John's ...
went to watch a live gig at Esplanade Waterfront. lollllll. The band was
playing some hardcore songs, not really my kind of music.
Travelled back home and had a chit chat session in the basketball court.
hahahaaaah. (((:
anyway, im thinking of workingggg (?) sister has found a job. tskkk.
but idk. I think i shld just stay home and slacked. lollllll.
i'll see.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Its uh almost 2AM now. haha, yeh. Holidays what.
must treasue these late nights of using the com. lol.
the past two days were greatttttt, (kind of)
Friday was retarded.
Me and reg went to CCK Library. yes, library again. we
cant get enough of bookkks. haha. okay, so we went there
cause it was the opening and the books were brand new.
Before we knew it, we were alry snatching and grabbing books
from all the shelves like HAHAHA. We were practically giggling
loudly cause in a few mins, we had like uhh eight to ten books
in our hands/arms. I felt like a total retard geek there and then.
gosh. It was kinda embrassing in the end cause me and reg had
reached our quota loan ?!?! so .. we kinda end up borrowing
eight books only. TSK. i knw EIGHTfreaking books is alot!
Saturday, which was 2hrs ago was the AES OPEN HOUSE.
uhhh, nothing much arh. I went there and slacked. Walked arnd
the sch. I was actually suppose to do some ppt presentation but
my grp werent really prepared and so, Mrs Ooi just let it go.
Guess we'll be doing it nxt yr during sch assembly. dang thing.
Hang out with ann, kuya kev, reg and indra in the study area and ROFL,
talked much crappy stuffs and it was damm hilarious! hahaaaaah!
and then, yimling asked me out. Random ehhh. hahaha. sooo, went
home and i slept for 1hr and met up with yimling and we went jogging!
like lollll. We started jogging kinda late - 6pm. Jogged to Bt Gombak
stadium and all the while, we were panting cause we were talking
while jogging so we were like breathless aftwards. hahaha. Dinner
at Macs and waited for renee! yehhhh. Renee arrived and started
talking and talking .. then we walked back to our neighbourhood (lol)
and sat like in the middle of the basketball court, and started chatting
again. hahaha, that was like alry 10pm ++ .. trust me, we guys can
talk for twentyfour hours! hahaha. anddd our chatting session ended
at 1230 am .. lollllll. wanted to stay out more late since we lived a few
blocks away butttt it was kinda creepy with nt much ppl arnd and we're
girlsss, mind you. niways, ENJOYED ALOTTTTTTT. HEEEEEEEEEEH! :D
there's alot so yea. Just refer to reg's blog. haaaah.
k bye!
Its uh almost 2AM now. haha, yeh. Holidays what.
must treasue these late nights of using the com. lol.
the past two days were greatttttt, (kind of)
Friday was retarded.
Me and reg went to CCK Library. yes, library again. we
cant get enough of bookkks. haha. okay, so we went there
cause it was the opening and the books were brand new.
Before we knew it, we were alry snatching and grabbing books
from all the shelves like HAHAHA. We were practically giggling
loudly cause in a few mins, we had like uhh eight to ten books
in our hands/arms. I felt like a total retard geek there and then.
gosh. It was kinda embrassing in the end cause me and reg had
reached our quota loan ?!?! so .. we kinda end up borrowing
eight books only. TSK. i knw EIGHTfreaking books is alot!
Saturday, which was 2hrs ago was the AES OPEN HOUSE.
uhhh, nothing much arh. I went there and slacked. Walked arnd
the sch. I was actually suppose to do some ppt presentation but
my grp werent really prepared and so, Mrs Ooi just let it go.
Guess we'll be doing it nxt yr during sch assembly. dang thing.
Hang out with ann, kuya kev, reg and indra in the study area and ROFL,
talked much crappy stuffs and it was damm hilarious! hahaaaaah!
and then, yimling asked me out. Random ehhh. hahaha. sooo, went
home and i slept for 1hr and met up with yimling and we went jogging!
like lollll. We started jogging kinda late - 6pm. Jogged to Bt Gombak
stadium and all the while, we were panting cause we were talking
while jogging so we were like breathless aftwards. hahaha. Dinner
at Macs and waited for renee! yehhhh. Renee arrived and started
talking and talking .. then we walked back to our neighbourhood (lol)
and sat like in the middle of the basketball court, and started chatting
again. hahaha, that was like alry 10pm ++ .. trust me, we guys can
talk for twentyfour hours! hahaha. anddd our chatting session ended
at 1230 am .. lollllll. wanted to stay out more late since we lived a few
blocks away butttt it was kinda creepy with nt much ppl arnd and we're
girlsss, mind you. niways, ENJOYED ALOTTTTTTT. HEEEEEEEEEEH! :D
there's alot so yea. Just refer to reg's blog. haaaah.
k bye!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
ehh nahh, not really. Im having the urge
to talk to Bulao, Reg and Mariel. Too bad,
the second is the one who's online now.
anyway, i've been going out for the past two
days. haha.
went to celebrate by eating at Seoul Garden and lahlah,
walked arnd the mall cause he wanted a shoes for his
birthday. Goodness, he owes a load of shoes! and
dad had alry bought him an expensive camera and its not
as if he's into photography (tsk!) spoilt ass. He's the one
and only son so that gives it.
hahaha okay kidding! We went to Bishan Library and
obviously borrowed books. Of all libraries, we went
there cause its huge? and most of our-type-of-books
are there. haha LOL. We are a huge fan of books.
On the way home was wtf cause the train was
at fault and we were stucked in yew tee (i think) for
a few mins and it was more annoying that they kept
announcing it every five seconds(reg counted by accident).
We were praying that the train wouldnt stop in the middle
of the track but it did anyway (LOL) and so, we decided to
get off CCK and bus-ed home.
Sis went for job-hunting today. Bro and I accompanied
her and gave her our moral support. hahaha. Actually,
we KINDA pangseh her mid way(LOL), you cant blame
hungry people alright. Dad and sis suggest that i shld do
some part time job as well, instead of lazing in the house,
watching tv and all. tsk, maybe i'll try.
brother is getting his PSLE results tmr, im gonna go
and accompany him to school. haha.
and oh! before i forget, last Sunday was Alvin's and Justin's
(Reg's bro) Holy Communion. hahah, congrats to them!
and I've alry passed up my Confirmation card with my
confirmation name on it. And guess what? my confirmation
name is ERIKA. Like LOLLLL. Father suggested the name kay.
I just agree to it cause it suits my name : Kathleen Erika.
hahahaha, it's not funny but i find it funny cause i nvr thought
of that name before and it felt like the name doesnt suit me, myself.
LOL, retard.
ehh nahh, not really. Im having the urge
to talk to Bulao, Reg and Mariel. Too bad,
the second is the one who's online now.
anyway, i've been going out for the past two
days. haha.
went to celebrate by eating at Seoul Garden and lahlah,
walked arnd the mall cause he wanted a shoes for his
birthday. Goodness, he owes a load of shoes! and
dad had alry bought him an expensive camera and its not
as if he's into photography (tsk!) spoilt ass. He's the one
and only son so that gives it.
hahaha okay kidding! We went to Bishan Library and
obviously borrowed books. Of all libraries, we went
there cause its huge? and most of our-type-of-books
are there. haha LOL. We are a huge fan of books.
On the way home was wtf cause the train was
at fault and we were stucked in yew tee (i think) for
a few mins and it was more annoying that they kept
announcing it every five seconds(reg counted by accident).
We were praying that the train wouldnt stop in the middle
of the track but it did anyway (LOL) and so, we decided to
get off CCK and bus-ed home.
Sis went for job-hunting today. Bro and I accompanied
her and gave her our moral support. hahaha. Actually,
we KINDA pangseh her mid way(LOL), you cant blame
hungry people alright. Dad and sis suggest that i shld do
some part time job as well, instead of lazing in the house,
watching tv and all. tsk, maybe i'll try.
brother is getting his PSLE results tmr, im gonna go
and accompany him to school. haha.
and oh! before i forget, last Sunday was Alvin's and Justin's
(Reg's bro) Holy Communion. hahah, congrats to them!
and I've alry passed up my Confirmation card with my
confirmation name on it. And guess what? my confirmation
name is ERIKA. Like LOLLLL. Father suggested the name kay.
I just agree to it cause it suits my name : Kathleen Erika.
hahahaha, it's not funny but i find it funny cause i nvr thought
of that name before and it felt like the name doesnt suit me, myself.
LOL, retard.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
It was kinda longggg day yesterday.
firstly, i skipped bowling, (I overslept) and reg was LAZY to go. -.-
so we decided to GO OUT. yeeeeee, like finally. hahaha.
Secondly, we went to westmall (return bks) to School (buy my books)
and then to TOWN(to eat fried mars bars). lollll and to our destination,
BOTANIC GARDENS (to cam-whore&appreciate Mother Nature). haha!
Cam-whoring was super duper ffffunnnn. haahhaa. I made reg my "model"
and made her pose here and there. She commented my photography
skills was getting creative. HAHA. Thankkk you for that. LOL.
haahahah, it was fun minus the scratchings (from the mosquitoes).
then, i kinda rushed home to catch my show : Corner with love. (woots!)
hahahaha. Sis called me and a few mins later, i was on my way to
Bishan with bro to sleepover at cousins place. Nothing much happened
at the sleepover. haaaaaaaah.
and ohh, in case your wondering "what cousin place?"
yeh, I have a cousin. She's a malaysian actually and is in
S'pore studying so, there you go.
Lol, this post has alot of brackets here and there. hahahaa.
feeling random yo.

Bishan View?
TODAY! from Bishan to Bukit Batok, it took almost 2hrs to reach
home cause of the sister and brother. Apparently, they didnt
wanna tke the MRT home and found joy in riding long bus rides.
so we took a bus to town and from town, a bus to BB interchange
and finally another bus transfer to the home. It was raininggg!
It was kinda longggg day yesterday.
firstly, i skipped bowling, (I overslept) and reg was LAZY to go. -.-
so we decided to GO OUT. yeeeeee, like finally. hahaha.
Secondly, we went to westmall (return bks) to School (buy my books)
and then to TOWN(to eat fried mars bars). lollll and to our destination,
BOTANIC GARDENS (to cam-whore&appreciate Mother Nature). haha!
Cam-whoring was super duper ffffunnnn. haahhaa. I made reg my "model"
and made her pose here and there. She commented my photography
skills was getting creative. HAHA. Thankkk you for that. LOL.
haahahah, it was fun minus the scratchings (from the mosquitoes).
then, i kinda rushed home to catch my show : Corner with love. (woots!)
hahahaha. Sis called me and a few mins later, i was on my way to
Bishan with bro to sleepover at cousins place. Nothing much happened
at the sleepover. haaaaaaaah.
and ohh, in case your wondering "what cousin place?"
yeh, I have a cousin. She's a malaysian actually and is in
S'pore studying so, there you go.
Lol, this post has alot of brackets here and there. hahahaa.
feeling random yo.
Bishan View?
TODAY! from Bishan to Bukit Batok, it took almost 2hrs to reach
home cause of the sister and brother. Apparently, they didnt
wanna tke the MRT home and found joy in riding long bus rides.
so we took a bus to town and from town, a bus to BB interchange
and finally another bus transfer to the home. It was raininggg!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Boys Town Carnival today!
haha. My duty was s'ppose to be at 9am and i
woke up at 930. tskk. anw, 3/1 was tending the
chicken rice stall and it was selling out really fast!
I din really do much except going to and fro from
vincent hall to home econ room and back to vincent
hall for a few times. I swear, it was really tiring walking
back and forth so i decided to walk arnd and spend my
tickets. mwahaha.
anw, my aunt and cousin have gone backk to Australia.. like
anw, my aunt and cousin have gone backk to Australia.. like
awwwwww. really missing them alot. tsskkk. I had super fun bringing
them arnd andddd i like pushing my cousins trolley. hahahah.
here's some pics. (:
he's super adorable when we tell him to SMILE!

here's some pics. (:
he's super adorable when we tell him to SMILE!
awwwww, he's so cute! and his eyes goes smaller when he smiles! LOL.
even though he's really adorable and all, there's still the very
mischievious side of him. Handling a two yr old is certainly
aint easy. trust me! but all was enjoyed! hahaha! (:
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
heeeeeeeei. (random)
hahaha. just felt like laughing. hahaaaah.
woah, NOVEMBER is here and before you know it,
its CHRISTMAS. (((: Simbang Gabi babehhhh, gonna rockkk.
anw, two more days to schhhool and im gonna start .. playing?!
soooo today, i skipped school :/ lolllll. Went to Botanic Gardens.
ohoh, cause aunt(mom's cousin) and my two yr old cousin is
gonna be here for four days (ithink) and hmm, his dad is
an australian so he's halfhalf. mwahaaaaah. omiguch! He's so cute laaah!
ever since at the aiport, i've been hugging him/pinching his cheeks.
hahahaha. and did i say that we share the same birthday? yes, oct29 =D
pics will be up SOMEDAY. lolllllll.
okay, im gng offff now. gonna be a gooody girl and go to sch tmr .. late. (:
first period Mother Tongue whattttt. hahaha.
hahaha. just felt like laughing. hahaaaah.
woah, NOVEMBER is here and before you know it,
its CHRISTMAS. (((: Simbang Gabi babehhhh, gonna rockkk.
anw, two more days to schhhool and im gonna start .. playing?!
soooo today, i skipped school :/ lolllll. Went to Botanic Gardens.
ohoh, cause aunt(mom's cousin) and my two yr old cousin is
gonna be here for four days (ithink) and hmm, his dad is
an australian so he's halfhalf. mwahaaaaah. omiguch! He's so cute laaah!
ever since at the aiport, i've been hugging him/pinching his cheeks.
hahahaha. and did i say that we share the same birthday? yes, oct29 =D
pics will be up SOMEDAY. lolllllll.
okay, im gng offff now. gonna be a gooody girl and go to sch tmr .. late. (:
first period Mother Tongue whattttt. hahaha.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Bridging Prgme is still on. tssskkkk.
anw, today had an impromptu class outing. We were like
only told in the morning that we were gng to visit A hotel.
and man, it was actually kinda funnnnn. :)
Went to ehhh Grand Merduer(sp?) roxy hotel, a four and a half
star hotel. lollll. Toured arnd the hotel like the laundry room and
such. They also taught us how to fold napkins into shapes like crane, lotus etc..,
and make cocktails and chocolates. It was interesting. haha.
On the way back to sch, weiwei was telling us jokes and riddles all the
way. haha, hilarious much. (:
I've got lots of things to do for the rest of the week. damn.
Bridging Prgme is still on. tssskkkk.
anw, today had an impromptu class outing. We were like
only told in the morning that we were gng to visit A hotel.
and man, it was actually kinda funnnnn. :)
Went to ehhh Grand Merduer(sp?) roxy hotel, a four and a half
star hotel. lollll. Toured arnd the hotel like the laundry room and
such. They also taught us how to fold napkins into shapes like crane, lotus etc..,
and make cocktails and chocolates. It was interesting. haha.
On the way back to sch, weiwei was telling us jokes and riddles all the
way. haha, hilarious much. (:
I've got lots of things to do for the rest of the week. damn.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Last day of schoollll babehhhhh .. NOT!
eeehh not really arh, i still have Bridging Programme next weeekk,
for nine daysss sey. yeah, received results today etcetcetc ..
arghh, wana upload some photos but its lagggggging.
so nvm.
wow, graduating nxt yr (hopefully) , dang! so fassstttttttt.
everything seems so yesterday. tsk.
Last day of schoollll babehhhhh .. NOT!
eeehh not really arh, i still have Bridging Programme next weeekk,
for nine daysss sey. yeah, received results today etcetcetc ..
arghh, wana upload some photos but its lagggggging.
so nvm.
wow, graduating nxt yr (hopefully) , dang! so fassstttttttt.
everything seems so yesterday. tsk.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sch's kinda bored and slacked. lol, cause exam's are over.
TODAYYY no school! BUT i have to go for this Sci
Enrichment prgmme in JJC. Today's the second and last
day. hweeeh.
went for it ytd and we did titration and yeah, grow
crystals? it was fun boring fun. lol. (:
Gonna do the lemon clock today. mwaha, cant wait?
niway, we had sexuality talk ytd in sch, for the second time.
But this time, its the Health Promotion Board who gave the
talk. Tmr, probably gonna have some Career Workshop
and on thurs, last day in sch which is the parents conference.
aaaah. and omggg, my dad's buddy frm Dubai came here
in Singapore and like called us that he was here. LOL,
super sudden and super random. Bro is now the tour guide.
and oohhh, i had my hair cut last Sat before gng for
Youth Rally. haha, sorry reg. Atleast i was okay with the way
the person cut it. haaaaah.
Sch's kinda bored and slacked. lol, cause exam's are over.
TODAYYY no school! BUT i have to go for this Sci
Enrichment prgmme in JJC. Today's the second and last
day. hweeeh.
went for it ytd and we did titration and yeah, grow
crystals? it was fun boring fun. lol. (:
Gonna do the lemon clock today. mwaha, cant wait?
niway, we had sexuality talk ytd in sch, for the second time.
But this time, its the Health Promotion Board who gave the
talk. Tmr, probably gonna have some Career Workshop
and on thurs, last day in sch which is the parents conference.
aaaah. and omggg, my dad's buddy frm Dubai came here
in Singapore and like called us that he was here. LOL,
super sudden and super random. Bro is now the tour guide.
and oohhh, i had my hair cut last Sat before gng for
Youth Rally. haha, sorry reg. Atleast i was okay with the way
the person cut it. haaaaah.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
hah, these past two days have been kind of nerve-wrecking,
getting results and etc .. lol. anddddd atleast i managed to
meet the criteria but there's still the overall though so im
kinda not sure yet. lets just seeeee ..
anyway, today was kinda fun. haaaaaha. watch the inteclass
soccer and in between of watching the class played, went off
to play BB with austin(SUPERtall!) , reg, katG and philip
plus kuya kev joined in later. haha funnnn seeey.
TOMORRRRROW! is Youth Rally. haha, heard that its actually
fun with all the praise&worship and stuffss. weeeeeee! :D
hah, these past two days have been kind of nerve-wrecking,
getting results and etc .. lol. anddddd atleast i managed to
meet the criteria but there's still the overall though so im
kinda not sure yet. lets just seeeee ..
anyway, today was kinda fun. haaaaaha. watch the inteclass
soccer and in between of watching the class played, went off
to play BB with austin(SUPERtall!) , reg, katG and philip
plus kuya kev joined in later. haha funnnn seeey.
TOMORRRRROW! is Youth Rally. haha, heard that its actually
fun with all the praise&worship and stuffss. weeeeeee! :D
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
hi, im back!
argh, REG!
Pardon me for i am going to be kinda emotional here. (hah)
lol, okay wait. NOTHNG to do with reg lah okay. hahaha!
i was just reading her blog and she was talking abt her childhood
and the song! (the tide is high) and stuffs and then ...
(uhhh, hahaha. shldnt it be that way? feelings+heart?)
SIGH. I dont feel like growing up anymore.
now, dont get me wrong. i think i had the best childhood ever.
not bragging okay but it was really memorable. The whole scene
takes place in PHIL. I grew up there for five years, didnt I?
i practically grew up with my cousins cuz there were ALWAYS
or rather FOREVER in my house, as long as i can rmb. (:
haha, gonna do a lil sharing here. I rmb going out to the ricefields
and plaaaaayyy. cause you see, behind the hse, there's like this
really really huge ricefield and we were kinda forbidden by my
mom to go there but anyway we were kids being curious and
we went there whenever my mom was out. If you've been to
a ricefield, you'll know what im toking abt. hahaaaaah. we would
try to go as far as we could but we were kinda scared cause further
down was like a forrest? and my cuzins used to tell stories abt
not-like-us living there so we were kinda freaked out. we would
then try to go to the other side where there's kinda like a small
river and we wld try to catch fishes, and if we caught one, we wld
run all the way back to the hse. hahahaha. This is just one of the
thousand memories i had in that place, house.
Its been practically EIGHT years since i went back to that place.
aaaaah, i miss that house. i wanna go back there again and visit
the house and the ricefields! the neighbours! and ohohoh, i wanna
climb trees again! hahaha, yeap. i was greatly influenced by my
cousins who were much older than me. I was just a small lil girl
following whatever my cousins and sis were doing. sighhhhhhhhh.
i wish to go back there again and cherish everythingggggggggggg.
sigghhhh, this is reality babeh. im a big girl now, awwwwwwww.
hahaha okay cut that out. It felt so baby-ish. lol!
so anyway im in my teens now (like duh) and growing up (yeah).
everything in the past is just gonna be memories, trailing me
forever. aaahh, i dont know what im toking abt now. lol.
im gonna space out now and reminsice everything. (((:
sorry for this suddenbreak post or whatever. lol.
okay seriously, whatever. byeeeee. :D
argh, REG!
Pardon me for i am going to be kinda emotional here. (hah)
lol, okay wait. NOTHNG to do with reg lah okay. hahaha!
i was just reading her blog and she was talking abt her childhood
and the song! (the tide is high) and stuffs and then ...
(uhhh, hahaha. shldnt it be that way? feelings+heart?)
SIGH. I dont feel like growing up anymore.
now, dont get me wrong. i think i had the best childhood ever.
not bragging okay but it was really memorable. The whole scene
takes place in PHIL. I grew up there for five years, didnt I?
i practically grew up with my cousins cuz there were ALWAYS
or rather FOREVER in my house, as long as i can rmb. (:
haha, gonna do a lil sharing here. I rmb going out to the ricefields
and plaaaaayyy. cause you see, behind the hse, there's like this
really really huge ricefield and we were kinda forbidden by my
mom to go there but anyway we were kids being curious and
we went there whenever my mom was out. If you've been to
a ricefield, you'll know what im toking abt. hahaaaaah. we would
try to go as far as we could but we were kinda scared cause further
down was like a forrest? and my cuzins used to tell stories abt
not-like-us living there so we were kinda freaked out. we would
then try to go to the other side where there's kinda like a small
river and we wld try to catch fishes, and if we caught one, we wld
run all the way back to the hse. hahahaha. This is just one of the
thousand memories i had in that place, house.
Its been practically EIGHT years since i went back to that place.
aaaaah, i miss that house. i wanna go back there again and visit
the house and the ricefields! the neighbours! and ohohoh, i wanna
climb trees again! hahaha, yeap. i was greatly influenced by my
cousins who were much older than me. I was just a small lil girl
following whatever my cousins and sis were doing. sighhhhhhhhh.
i wish to go back there again and cherish everythingggggggggggg.
sigghhhh, this is reality babeh. im a big girl now, awwwwwwww.
hahaha okay cut that out. It felt so baby-ish. lol!
so anyway im in my teens now (like duh) and growing up (yeah).
everything in the past is just gonna be memories, trailing me
forever. aaahh, i dont know what im toking abt now. lol.
im gonna space out now and reminsice everything. (((:
sorry for this suddenbreak post or whatever. lol.
okay seriously, whatever. byeeeee. :D
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Hey! guess what babeh? hahaha, yeaaaaaaap!
thank goodness! its like im so free to do anything.
mwaha, watching tv and duhhh using the com!
well, my first paper was eng and it was an okay paper
and i kinda felt good with it, but my last paper which was
chemistry, it was so bad. ): darnfreakinghard. it was like
melting all my braincells! and by section C, i was alry feeling
so exhausted, thinking and cracking the darn brain. arghh ...
nvm, its over so im gonna shut up now. atleast everything's over
- for now ... dang! i wonder if im gonna retained. tsk! okay hush!
soooo anyway, me and reg had a mini celebration just now. (hah)
nothing extravagant or whatever. we just watched a movie. lol.
we watchhhhhhh THE HOUSE BUNNY. omgggg, its really nice and
funny at the same time. hahahaha. Its all about uhhh .. love? friendship?
family? yeap, sth like that. In my opinion, i think the girls will enjoy it
more than the guys. But its still enjoyable. haha.
niways, sth funny happened to the both of us. LOL. we were like riding
the escalator when it broke down and the best thing? me and reg were
half way in it and there was no one riding except us. Plus its like the
long kind of escalator which leads to some underground. hahaha, both
of us were kind of "unconscious" for a sec, LOL. cause reg was sms-ing
and i was hymming to some random song and suddenly our head kinda
jerked. hahaha.
tmr, no sch! so might be cycling with the sister, and maybe brother.
and maybe reg and maybe anyone? haha kay, that was random. :D
thank goodness! its like im so free to do anything.
mwaha, watching tv and duhhh using the com!
well, my first paper was eng and it was an okay paper
and i kinda felt good with it, but my last paper which was
chemistry, it was so bad. ): darnfreakinghard. it was like
melting all my braincells! and by section C, i was alry feeling
so exhausted, thinking and cracking the darn brain. arghh ...
nvm, its over so im gonna shut up now. atleast everything's over
- for now ... dang! i wonder if im gonna retained. tsk! okay hush!
soooo anyway, me and reg had a mini celebration just now. (hah)
nothing extravagant or whatever. we just watched a movie. lol.
we watchhhhhhh THE HOUSE BUNNY. omgggg, its really nice and
funny at the same time. hahahaha. Its all about uhhh .. love? friendship?
family? yeap, sth like that. In my opinion, i think the girls will enjoy it
more than the guys. But its still enjoyable. haha.
niways, sth funny happened to the both of us. LOL. we were like riding
the escalator when it broke down and the best thing? me and reg were
half way in it and there was no one riding except us. Plus its like the
long kind of escalator which leads to some underground. hahaha, both
of us were kind of "unconscious" for a sec, LOL. cause reg was sms-ing
and i was hymming to some random song and suddenly our head kinda
jerked. hahaha.
tmr, no sch! so might be cycling with the sister, and maybe brother.
and maybe reg and maybe anyone? haha kay, that was random. :D
Friday, October 03, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
October's here babeh! (:
ahhhh, actually i have nothing to say here but niway,
just felt like blogging. Im alone at home right nowww
and hahaha, i've been laughing for the past 10mins.
lol! no, i've not gone crazy.
hahaha, i was actually reading one of aly's old p.blog. (heeh)
its consists of ALMOST everything last year. super
retarded! those ... moments of sillyness and being.... mean! -.-
tsssskkk, but nevertheless it still made me laugh.
i gotta talk to reg abt it. haaaaaaaaaaah.
2007 memories.
p/s: aly, please dont ever delete THAT blog kaaaaaay. LOL!
and oh not forgetting,
ahhhh, actually i have nothing to say here but niway,
just felt like blogging. Im alone at home right nowww
and hahaha, i've been laughing for the past 10mins.
lol! no, i've not gone crazy.
hahaha, i was actually reading one of aly's old p.blog. (heeh)
its consists of ALMOST everything last year. super
retarded! those ... moments of sillyness and being.... mean! -.-
tsssskkk, but nevertheless it still made me laugh.
i gotta talk to reg abt it. haaaaaaaaaaah.
2007 memories.
p/s: aly, please dont ever delete THAT blog kaaaaaay. LOL!
and oh not forgetting,
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
today's the last day of September. haaaah, time flies.
atleast i updated for this year's Sept unlike the past two years
which only had 1 or 2 sept posts.
gaaaaaah, SIX more days to EOY (for me!)
so many things running through my head.
Sissy's N-levels ending this weeek.
uhhhh.. kay i dont know what to do about
the rest.
tmr no school. (:
today's the last day of September. haaaah, time flies.
atleast i updated for this year's Sept unlike the past two years
which only had 1 or 2 sept posts.
gaaaaaah, SIX more days to EOY (for me!)
so many things running through my head.
Sissy's N-levels ending this weeek.
uhhhh.. kay i dont know what to do about
the rest.
tmr no school. (:
Friday, September 26, 2008
haha,this is so gonna be random but heck ... cause i just realise ..
haha like lol, it has not even started, yet i alry want it to end.
yes seriously.
there's so many things i soooo wanna do aft EOY, haaaaaaah.
like esp. catching up on MARK (!!)
ijustcantwait. (:
haha like lol, it has not even started, yet i alry want it to end.
yes seriously.
there's so many things i soooo wanna do aft EOY, haaaaaaah.
like esp. catching up on MARK (!!)
ijustcantwait. (:
hah kaaay soooo, just gonna summarise. FLAG DAY was okay.
went to Boon Lay Interchange and most of the people there were
really generous, my tin became heavy in like 1hrs time? hahaha.
And obviously i did get ignored, tsk! why dont they just atleast
smile and say 'no' instead of like, looking at you and pretend
to look up when there's nothing up? LOL. hilarious and irritating at
the same time. hahaha. whatever. Atleast this year's waaaay better
than last year. hah.
Schhhhhhoooollll has been okay. Mostly full of revisions.
I was absent on Wed cause i had to collect my passport(@Phil Embassy)
and haaaaah, like the new passport, nice! went to the immigration
afterwards to duunowad the PR. lol, and went shopppppingggg at
Bugis. i was with dad and sis. lol, dad got tired aft me and sis kept
walking round and round and he decided to sit at one corner to read
newspapers. LOL. And oh, me and reg had actually been eyeing on
these Elle bag that we once saw in some sporting house but unfortunately
we had no money of our own to buy so we have been kinda begging our
parents to buy it for us and hahaha, i showed dad the bag and he bought it
like yaaaaay and then a few hrs ago, reg msg me that her parents finally
bought the bag for her. LOL! haaaaaaaah. (:
so what now ..? kaaay nothing. sooo bored.
and ohhh, i have NINEMOREDAYS to EOY. thats for me actually
cause MT paper starts on fri and i do not have MT so yeah. (:
hah kaaay soooo, just gonna summarise. FLAG DAY was okay.
went to Boon Lay Interchange and most of the people there were
really generous, my tin became heavy in like 1hrs time? hahaha.
And obviously i did get ignored, tsk! why dont they just atleast
smile and say 'no' instead of like, looking at you and pretend
to look up when there's nothing up? LOL. hilarious and irritating at
the same time. hahaha. whatever. Atleast this year's waaaay better
than last year. hah.
Schhhhhhoooollll has been okay. Mostly full of revisions.
I was absent on Wed cause i had to collect my passport(@Phil Embassy)
and haaaaah, like the new passport, nice! went to the immigration
afterwards to duunowad the PR. lol, and went shopppppingggg at
Bugis. i was with dad and sis. lol, dad got tired aft me and sis kept
walking round and round and he decided to sit at one corner to read
newspapers. LOL. And oh, me and reg had actually been eyeing on
these Elle bag that we once saw in some sporting house but unfortunately
we had no money of our own to buy so we have been kinda begging our
parents to buy it for us and hahaha, i showed dad the bag and he bought it
like yaaaaay and then a few hrs ago, reg msg me that her parents finally
bought the bag for her. LOL! haaaaaaaah. (:
so what now ..? kaaay nothing. sooo bored.
and ohhh, i have NINEMOREDAYS to EOY. thats for me actually
cause MT paper starts on fri and i do not have MT so yeah. (:
Friday, September 19, 2008
TGIF! (:
what a freaaak week. tsk! this week, had like .. physics/chem/
a-maths/e-maths and a-maths test (again) PLUS homeworks etc.
tskk, so not gonna complain cause i bet other students out there
are going thru this or have been thru this so shoosh. we have no
choice right? lol.
anyway, i never felt so exhausted in one week, so im kinda distressing
now by using the com. haha. sister din go to school for like three straight
days, she decided to stay home to do some self study plus a 'tuition' from
my dad. lol. i was actually having a hard time understanding some chpts in
a-maths and i forgot my dad could actually teach me. like wth. i could have
ask for helppp earlier instead of like giving a heck-care attidude. -too late.
exams is in 2weeks time or less. mugmugmug(!!)
and oh, news! - Reeeeeg is going back to phil this Dec. ahhhhh!
lucky ass! haha, i did went back earlier this yr lah but only in Manila
area. i want to go Mindanao this time, the visayas island buuuut
there's some conflict there between the Muslims and Catholics in some
region. ahhhh. hopefully it'll be solved sooon.
aka FLAAAAG DAY. -.- again, not gonna complain and
blah. im fine with it anyway. hah, second time doing this.
i rmb the first time, aly enjoyed hers so much cause she
collected alot even though i did not collect together with her
last year. lol. just gonna do it for the sake of it. haaaaaaah.
bye. im gonna revise my work even though its friday. hah, no
break for now. sad life or whaaaaaaat, not!
TGIF! (:
what a freaaak week. tsk! this week, had like .. physics/chem/
a-maths/e-maths and a-maths test (again) PLUS homeworks etc.
tskk, so not gonna complain cause i bet other students out there
are going thru this or have been thru this so shoosh. we have no
choice right? lol.
anyway, i never felt so exhausted in one week, so im kinda distressing
now by using the com. haha. sister din go to school for like three straight
days, she decided to stay home to do some self study plus a 'tuition' from
my dad. lol. i was actually having a hard time understanding some chpts in
a-maths and i forgot my dad could actually teach me. like wth. i could have
ask for helppp earlier instead of like giving a heck-care attidude. -too late.
exams is in 2weeks time or less. mugmugmug(!!)
and oh, news! - Reeeeeg is going back to phil this Dec. ahhhhh!
lucky ass! haha, i did went back earlier this yr lah but only in Manila
area. i want to go Mindanao this time, the visayas island buuuut
there's some conflict there between the Muslims and Catholics in some
region. ahhhh. hopefully it'll be solved sooon.
aka FLAAAAG DAY. -.- again, not gonna complain and
blah. im fine with it anyway. hah, second time doing this.
i rmb the first time, aly enjoyed hers so much cause she
collected alot even though i did not collect together with her
last year. lol. just gonna do it for the sake of it. haaaaaaah.
bye. im gonna revise my work even though its friday. hah, no
break for now. sad life or whaaaaaaat, not!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
haha, just dropping by in to blog. hah,because look at the time. (:
yes, early i know. people are probably still sleeping while others
maybe are starting to wake up. haha. i have been awake since
2.35am. lol. i did sleep laaah kayy. like abt 5+ in the afternoon and
woke up arnd that time (yeah, im a pig.) and since then i have been
studying/doing my hmework. Once in a while, this is my routine.
It kinda feels relaxed though its weird at the same time,
like nothing to stress about. (cause its peaceful and people are still sleeping?)
haaaaah. try doing this once-in-a-blue-moon routine of mine. haha, seriously.
nothing much now, bye.
haha, just dropping by in to blog. hah,because look at the time. (:
yes, early i know. people are probably still sleeping while others
maybe are starting to wake up. haha. i have been awake since
2.35am. lol. i did sleep laaah kayy. like abt 5+ in the afternoon and
woke up arnd that time (yeah, im a pig.) and since then i have been
studying/doing my hmework. Once in a while, this is my routine.
It kinda feels relaxed though its weird at the same time,
like nothing to stress about. (cause its peaceful and people are still sleeping?)
haaaaah. try doing this once-in-a-blue-moon routine of mine. haha, seriously.
nothing much now, bye.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
heck, i completed my holiday assignments in just 3hrs.
hahaha. actually, only for maths. LOL. i have to research
for eng anyway which im doing right now minus the blogging
and stuffs. pathetic i know. one whole week and im only
doing it on the last day. haha, that spells L-A-Z-Y.
till then, i wont be using the com and i dont want to
no matter how tempting it is.
IMISSYOUBOTH (!!) i think its been years.
wait till aft EOY. hah! i so cant wait, lots of plans. heeeeh. (:
heck, i completed my holiday assignments in just 3hrs.
hahaha. actually, only for maths. LOL. i have to research
for eng anyway which im doing right now minus the blogging
and stuffs. pathetic i know. one whole week and im only
doing it on the last day. haha, that spells L-A-Z-Y.
till then, i wont be using the com and i dont want to
no matter how tempting it is.
IMISSYOUBOTH (!!) i think its been years.
wait till aft EOY. hah! i so cant wait, lots of plans. heeeeh. (:
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Teacher's DAAAAY aka outing with renee and yimling! (:
Renee and Yimling. haha. :)
P/S: MAAAAAAARIEL is so so missing out on this outinggg.
Saori! reg's guest.
stupid azmi. hahaha.
omggg, the uploading is so so slowww. tsskk. anyway, ...
the Sept holidays is here! (1 week only laaa deyy.)
tried to study yesterday, like seriously. i even planned out which
to study first and blaaaah. but end up only feeling so hopeless.
cause i studied, slept, back to study, slacked and ended up with
NOTHING in my head. tssskk. so pathetic. how? how? EOY is
around the corner and this? sighhh. talked to dad about it and omgg,
atleast i dont feel so argh now. haaaah. dad encouraged and assured
me, mwahaha :D and told me not to worrryy. a huge sigh of relief!
he told me that its not all abt racing (cause i want to graduate faster!)
and take time. i mean if im not successful in here, there's always PHIL.
hahahaha. BUT (there's always buts) i have to try my besssttt though.
talked to mom on the phone like two nights ago. Mom told me abt
what kind of life jubelyn and gretchel are leading there. hahaha.
i guess both of them have gotten used to it there. and mom told
me she bought five chicks and both sisters were so excited that
they treated it like some playtoy. passing it arnd and carrying it like
a baby. tsskkk. kids these days. hahahaa! but anyway i ended up
laughing at how silly they were. and then, there's this tree outside
the house which is abt my height, cute! kids are using it to climb
and then jump down. sighhhhh. phil life. reminds me a thousand of
my childhood memeories there. and here i am, imagining that kind
of life if ever, ... i think i love it. seems so free of everything but then
again, im not a kid anymore. sigh, sigh, sigh. Its back to reality babeh.
im still going to study hard. never give up. hahaha, see? trying my best.
lol! :D
Monday, September 01, 2008
Hi hi hi hi.
this is gonna be kinda rush cause i have to leave home soon. heh.
anyway, FRIDAY- Happy (Belated) Teacher's Day!
heh. Sch performance was great yet short, uh huh.
i din go back to HKPS instead went tagging along to DZPS
with reg and the rest. haha, reach the sch so freaking early, 10.30am?!
and we werent allowed in until 1pm (tsskkk!). so we walked endlessly until
SAPS. School's nice arhh, made me miss HKPS. slacked there and did nothing.
later, left and walked back to DZPS. haha, reg showed me arnd and down
the memory lanes which she and her bestf shared. made a few rounds
and then byebye. tooked bus home with reg cause i was feeling lazy to walked.
haha. saw yimling at the bus stop and we chatted!
haha okayyy, home and my dad made me watched the speech of Barack Obama
and all the political stuffs and etc. interesting eh. hahha. slacked awhile and i
got myself prepared. Met up with yimling at her block and we chatted all the
way to lot1. haha, talked abt everything and pri schs. ((: and then later we met
up with renee! haha, yes yes, i had an outing with my bestfs since pri sch. lol.
Its only once in a while that we have such outings kay. Really glad to have one
kayy. :D first thing we did was to eat at some Japanese coffee and sweets(?!)
but anyway we ordered our stuff and we started to talk and catch up, like '
whats happening in your life right now?' and stuffs that we have missed out.
heeeh. yimling talk abt the bloody shit. funny sia. lol. and then we had
nowhere to go so .. we went to the library! ... to camwhore! lol! went to the
kiddy area and cam-whore like toot. nxt .. we walked arnd lot1 to look for
something to buy together, like some friendship stuff. hahaha, and finally,
we found something. haaaaah. had dinner at food junction and hahaha,
we started talking abt the old days and wondering where the rest of our
old mates are now. we were recalling funny events and renee was laughing
like crazy, laughed until her tears came out, hahhaha. travelled back home
and we slacked under yimling's block and we chatted the whole night there
for like 2hrs++. chatted abt everything, from our schools to friends to
teachers and even abt Mas Selamat. hahaha. reached home arnd 12midnight.
lol. ffffffffffunnnn dayyyyyyyy (!!) :DDD
there's more but i shall go off now cause im late! ooopps.
this is gonna be kinda rush cause i have to leave home soon. heh.
anyway, FRIDAY- Happy (Belated) Teacher's Day!
heh. Sch performance was great yet short, uh huh.
i din go back to HKPS instead went tagging along to DZPS
with reg and the rest. haha, reach the sch so freaking early, 10.30am?!
and we werent allowed in until 1pm (tsskkk!). so we walked endlessly until
SAPS. School's nice arhh, made me miss HKPS. slacked there and did nothing.
later, left and walked back to DZPS. haha, reg showed me arnd and down
the memory lanes which she and her bestf shared. made a few rounds
and then byebye. tooked bus home with reg cause i was feeling lazy to walked.
haha. saw yimling at the bus stop and we chatted!
haha okayyy, home and my dad made me watched the speech of Barack Obama
and all the political stuffs and etc. interesting eh. hahha. slacked awhile and i
got myself prepared. Met up with yimling at her block and we chatted all the
way to lot1. haha, talked abt everything and pri schs. ((: and then later we met
up with renee! haha, yes yes, i had an outing with my bestfs since pri sch. lol.
Its only once in a while that we have such outings kay. Really glad to have one
kayy. :D first thing we did was to eat at some Japanese coffee and sweets(?!)
but anyway we ordered our stuff and we started to talk and catch up, like '
whats happening in your life right now?' and stuffs that we have missed out.
heeeh. yimling talk abt the bloody shit. funny sia. lol. and then we had
nowhere to go so .. we went to the library! ... to camwhore! lol! went to the
kiddy area and cam-whore like toot. nxt .. we walked arnd lot1 to look for
something to buy together, like some friendship stuff. hahaha, and finally,
we found something. haaaaah. had dinner at food junction and hahaha,
we started talking abt the old days and wondering where the rest of our
old mates are now. we were recalling funny events and renee was laughing
like crazy, laughed until her tears came out, hahhaha. travelled back home
and we slacked under yimling's block and we chatted the whole night there
for like 2hrs++. chatted abt everything, from our schools to friends to
teachers and even abt Mas Selamat. hahaha. reached home arnd 12midnight.
lol. ffffffffffunnnn dayyyyyyyy (!!) :DDD
there's more but i shall go off now cause im late! ooopps.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Heeyy there. (:
the moment i woke up early in the morning, it was freezing. brrr.
yeap, it was raining cats and dogs. but ha, it was nice. i like cold
weathers. It makes me feel so uhh .. kay haha, i cant find the right
word. I guess it makes me go deeper into my thoughts. hmm.
niways, PE was fantastic. hahaha. I thought we wouldn't have cuz it
was you know, raining. but it kinda stopped during PE period. lol, fate?
anddd we played soccer! yeah. It was funny funny. haha, my team
won 4-3, like duh (kidding!) haha but funny thing was the 3 goals came
from none other than .. Josh Gautam! haha, i mean he was the least
expected person to score yet he did. hahaha. Really, everyone was laughing
when he scored those retarded goals. and the way Jeremy ran was
hilarious, he was like tip-toeing, afraid of slipping cuz he was barefooted. hah!
and the whole entire game, me and tingyi were laughing like crazy. I just
felt like laughing, like someone was tickling me. my angel? maybe. hah.
but niway we were kinda playing in the rain cause aft awhile it kind of
drizzled. Nevertheless, we continued playing. lol. gotta thank Mr Kumar
for letting us play. mwaha. i love PE! :D its fun playing in the rain, bring
back alot of my childhood memories. sighh. :)
Aft sch, hang out in the hall and kinda helped the SCs with tmr's event.
went for SS afterwards. but anyway, later on in the day, me and reg
had a great talked in study area. woah. we talked abt the future and stuffss.
haha, (: like the 'ifs' and stuff like that, just stuff. lol. it was nice talking.
been some time since we have one of those "sentimental" talks, like talk
abt life. hahaa!
today was great xcept that news, sighhh.
Tmr's the great celebration of the teachers. Teacher's Day! (duh) haha.
i have alry made plans and too bad it clash with another activity of mine
which is TGIF but im not gng anymore. Going with my other plan. haaaah. :D
the moment i woke up early in the morning, it was freezing. brrr.
yeap, it was raining cats and dogs. but ha, it was nice. i like cold
weathers. It makes me feel so uhh .. kay haha, i cant find the right
word. I guess it makes me go deeper into my thoughts. hmm.
niways, PE was fantastic. hahaha. I thought we wouldn't have cuz it
was you know, raining. but it kinda stopped during PE period. lol, fate?
anddd we played soccer! yeah. It was funny funny. haha, my team
won 4-3, like duh (kidding!) haha but funny thing was the 3 goals came
from none other than .. Josh Gautam! haha, i mean he was the least
expected person to score yet he did. hahaha. Really, everyone was laughing
when he scored those retarded goals. and the way Jeremy ran was
hilarious, he was like tip-toeing, afraid of slipping cuz he was barefooted. hah!
and the whole entire game, me and tingyi were laughing like crazy. I just
felt like laughing, like someone was tickling me. my angel? maybe. hah.
but niway we were kinda playing in the rain cause aft awhile it kind of
drizzled. Nevertheless, we continued playing. lol. gotta thank Mr Kumar
for letting us play. mwaha. i love PE! :D its fun playing in the rain, bring
back alot of my childhood memories. sighh. :)
Aft sch, hang out in the hall and kinda helped the SCs with tmr's event.
went for SS afterwards. but anyway, later on in the day, me and reg
had a great talked in study area. woah. we talked abt the future and stuffss.
haha, (: like the 'ifs' and stuff like that, just stuff. lol. it was nice talking.
been some time since we have one of those "sentimental" talks, like talk
abt life. hahaa!
today was great xcept that news, sighhh.
Tmr's the great celebration of the teachers. Teacher's Day! (duh) haha.
i have alry made plans and too bad it clash with another activity of mine
which is TGIF but im not gng anymore. Going with my other plan. haaaah. :D
Saturday, August 23, 2008
YTD was AWESOME. heeh. yeaap, as blog by reg, we had alot of laughter.
like really alot. During recess, haha reg bullied alvin and told on his nickname.
hahaha. and we went arnd disturbing him and just laughing alot. Aft sch, we
were supposed to leave immediately cause we had Chris De Silva Concert to
attend and gotta prepare, stuffs like that. but then, we went gong gong like
started 'insulting' each other, in a positive way laah. hahaha, throwing insults
each other and laughter always comes aft that. We were just walking arnd the
sch like retards, laughing and walking like drunkards. LOL. haha and finally,
aft so much retardation, we left sch and crash at reg's house for abt an hour
or so. Reg did her stuffs and etc .. then we left and crash at my house for the
remaining time. haha, we took so long in my hse.
left house arnd 5.30pm together with sister and we headed to westmall to
eat our dinner first and Oliver came and blahblahblah .. then stupid John
called and told us that the bus was leaving and lalala that we were late and
lalalala. it all came as a joke. tskkk. but anyway, we were really late. hahaha!
so in desperate, we took taxi and OMGGGG, it was the most retarded taxi
ride in my life. the min we boarded the taxi, the uncle started talking to
Oliver and that he shld go into drama, in other words, the uncle was telling
him that he shld be an actor and HAHAHAHA. we were laughing our butts
off and halfway the uncle played a sentimental yet kinda mordern indian song
and Oliver started dancing and the uncle was laughing and we were all LOL
LOL and LOL-ing! funny sia.
so actually, alot of people were kinda late. hahaha. anyway the lower sec took
a different bus with us (the upper sec) and on the way, Natalie was high.
haha cuz we thought that it was P&W where you jump here and there but NOT.
haha, it was kinda formal kind of thing but heeey, i love Chris De Silva's songs.
it was nice to listen to and there were a lil sharings and some were really
touching. (: and oh, the venue was in Simei, ITE College East and trust me, the
school is O.O .. really huge and nice! so .. anyway the concert ended late and
again OMGGGG, the most retarded bus ride ever! HAHAHA. i expected
people to be sleeping in the bus cuz well, it was alry late buuut haha NO.
Instead the bus turned into a pub and all of a sudden, we were all dancing
and singing in the bus, i guess its because of the bus. It had some colourful
spotlights. hahaha! hahaha! then somewhere, someone said sth like really
funny and soooo out of topic which cracked all of us up and for abt 15mins,
all you could hear were laughters from a bunch of crazy people. LOL!
the bus ride ended and our stomachs were aching from all those, and i
became reallyhungry from all the laughter so me and sis plus john and reg
headed to Macs to have late night supper. Went home arnd 12.30+ am.
chatted with dad for awhile aft that and ahhhhh! cuz as previously mentioned,
Mom and two lil sissys are in PHIL. so we were like planning to go back there
this coming Nov/Dec but the tickets are expensive like really expensive(!!?)
even the budget airlines. tsssskk. but now, it seems that there's 80% chance
of going back because Gretchel (youngest sis) has been mentioning all of us
here and kept asking where are we and each time she sees an airplane, she'll
thought that we were in that airplane and would kept asking when we wld be
coming. like AWWWW. my lil sis misses us esp me! hahaaha. okay all of us.
so we might have to go back for vacay. yay! :D and ohhh, both of them are
alry schooling there in some private sch and i guess both of them are enjoying
sch cuz sch there is always fun. i canttt waaaiiittt.
and TODAAAAY! i was supposed to go out with RENEE TAY but i ditched
her for sleeping. ahhhh! i mean i fall asleep! i feeel so so guilty cuz its been
a long long time since i met her and catch up with one another. speaking of
which, teacher's day nxt week! not sure if gonna go back to HKPS, gotta
check with renee and yimling. haha :P
ahhh, gonna be busy with so many stuffs. tests and homeworks seems to be
so overloaded for my brain to take in. but got no choice. just gotta make
sure i dont get so much stress if not .. tsskkk. idk. i might even flunked EOY
and gonna get package off to phil to continue study or sth. gaaaaahhh.
but things are going to be okay cuz life doesnt always revolve arnd studies
and studies, there are always things you are better with.
i can always try again.
okayyy so i sound like im really preparing to fail. wth kat. hahahahhaha!
im you know confident in my studies now, atleast. :D
bye, sucha long post. LOL. (:
YTD was AWESOME. heeh. yeaap, as blog by reg, we had alot of laughter.
like really alot. During recess, haha reg bullied alvin and told on his nickname.
hahaha. and we went arnd disturbing him and just laughing alot. Aft sch, we
were supposed to leave immediately cause we had Chris De Silva Concert to
attend and gotta prepare, stuffs like that. but then, we went gong gong like
started 'insulting' each other, in a positive way laah. hahaha, throwing insults
each other and laughter always comes aft that. We were just walking arnd the
sch like retards, laughing and walking like drunkards. LOL. haha and finally,
aft so much retardation, we left sch and crash at reg's house for abt an hour
or so. Reg did her stuffs and etc .. then we left and crash at my house for the
remaining time. haha, we took so long in my hse.
left house arnd 5.30pm together with sister and we headed to westmall to
eat our dinner first and Oliver came and blahblahblah .. then stupid John
called and told us that the bus was leaving and lalala that we were late and
lalalala. it all came as a joke. tskkk. but anyway, we were really late. hahaha!
so in desperate, we took taxi and OMGGGG, it was the most retarded taxi
ride in my life. the min we boarded the taxi, the uncle started talking to
Oliver and that he shld go into drama, in other words, the uncle was telling
him that he shld be an actor and HAHAHAHA. we were laughing our butts
off and halfway the uncle played a sentimental yet kinda mordern indian song
and Oliver started dancing and the uncle was laughing and we were all LOL
LOL and LOL-ing! funny sia.
so actually, alot of people were kinda late. hahaha. anyway the lower sec took
a different bus with us (the upper sec) and on the way, Natalie was high.
haha cuz we thought that it was P&W where you jump here and there but NOT.
haha, it was kinda formal kind of thing but heeey, i love Chris De Silva's songs.
it was nice to listen to and there were a lil sharings and some were really
touching. (: and oh, the venue was in Simei, ITE College East and trust me, the
school is O.O .. really huge and nice! so .. anyway the concert ended late and
again OMGGGG, the most retarded bus ride ever! HAHAHA. i expected
people to be sleeping in the bus cuz well, it was alry late buuut haha NO.
Instead the bus turned into a pub and all of a sudden, we were all dancing
and singing in the bus, i guess its because of the bus. It had some colourful
spotlights. hahaha! hahaha! then somewhere, someone said sth like really
funny and soooo out of topic which cracked all of us up and for abt 15mins,
all you could hear were laughters from a bunch of crazy people. LOL!
the bus ride ended and our stomachs were aching from all those, and i
became reallyhungry from all the laughter so me and sis plus john and reg
headed to Macs to have late night supper. Went home arnd 12.30+ am.
chatted with dad for awhile aft that and ahhhhh! cuz as previously mentioned,
Mom and two lil sissys are in PHIL. so we were like planning to go back there
this coming Nov/Dec but the tickets are expensive like really expensive(!!?)
even the budget airlines. tsssskk. but now, it seems that there's 80% chance
of going back because Gretchel (youngest sis) has been mentioning all of us
here and kept asking where are we and each time she sees an airplane, she'll
thought that we were in that airplane and would kept asking when we wld be
coming. like AWWWW. my lil sis misses us esp me! hahaaha. okay all of us.
so we might have to go back for vacay. yay! :D and ohhh, both of them are
alry schooling there in some private sch and i guess both of them are enjoying
sch cuz sch there is always fun. i canttt waaaiiittt.
and TODAAAAY! i was supposed to go out with RENEE TAY but i ditched
her for sleeping. ahhhh! i mean i fall asleep! i feeel so so guilty cuz its been
a long long time since i met her and catch up with one another. speaking of
which, teacher's day nxt week! not sure if gonna go back to HKPS, gotta
check with renee and yimling. haha :P
ahhh, gonna be busy with so many stuffs. tests and homeworks seems to be
so overloaded for my brain to take in. but got no choice. just gotta make
sure i dont get so much stress if not .. tsskkk. idk. i might even flunked EOY
and gonna get package off to phil to continue study or sth. gaaaaahhh.
but things are going to be okay cuz life doesnt always revolve arnd studies
and studies, there are always things you are better with.
i can always try again.
okayyy so i sound like im really preparing to fail. wth kat. hahahahhaha!
im you know confident in my studies now, atleast. :D
bye, sucha long post. LOL. (:
Sunday, August 17, 2008
omg! omg! the tv's on but im here using the computer ...
because because, its the finals of the Olympics table-tennis (Women)
and ahhhhh! i cant bear to see it! its so scaryyy. my heart is
beating like tooooot (!!) LOL. but seriously.
im a sucker when it comes to this kind of stuffs. :/
i dont know why but aarrgghh yes.
esp, dramas. where all the kontrabidas (enemies) comes
out and lahlahlah create troubles for the good people
even though i know its gonna have a happpyy ending.
hahaha, dang! so thats why usually i only watched the
last few ending parts of a drama serial. lol!
i hope Singapore gets this one. Jia You! :D
and i dont know the current score. shucks. :/
sister updating me. hahhaha.
im so into Olympics this time. lol. i watched
the swimming and ahhhh, Michael Phelps!! he's an OMGGG!
superb swimmer indeed. and i wanna watched the basketball! tsk.
okay enough abt Olympics.
Abt sch this time, according to Alvin. EOY is in 4weeks time?
like really arh?! i so did not know that. and im panicking like
crazzzzyy. hmm, what if i dont make it to sec4? cause honestly
my studies suck now. -.- oh weeelll. there.is.still.time. hahhaha.
and ooohh, today's Sunday eh. Reg came over to my house
aft church and we studied. haha. taught her chemistry and
i studied lil bit of maths. and reg cooked lunch/dinner for me. LOL!
egggg with honeyyy! :D thanks arh! hahahah. sarap yung luto mo! (:
wanted to cam-whore but my hp suck (the image quality) and couldnt
find the camera and so nvm. we ended up gossiping on my bro's bed.
haha and oh btw, bro wasnt at home kaaayyy. plus it was windy
and colddd. bro's bed nearby the window whaatt. it was ffffun
gossiping once in a blue moon. hahaha.
lately, i've been listening to lots of love songs, those songs in the
80's/90's. hmmmm ... nice! (:
omg! omg! the tv's on but im here using the computer ...
because because, its the finals of the Olympics table-tennis (Women)
and ahhhhh! i cant bear to see it! its so scaryyy. my heart is
beating like tooooot (!!) LOL. but seriously.
im a sucker when it comes to this kind of stuffs. :/
i dont know why but aarrgghh yes.
esp, dramas. where all the kontrabidas (enemies) comes
out and lahlahlah create troubles for the good people
even though i know its gonna have a happpyy ending.
hahaha, dang! so thats why usually i only watched the
last few ending parts of a drama serial. lol!
i hope Singapore gets this one. Jia You! :D
and i dont know the current score. shucks. :/
sister updating me. hahhaha.
im so into Olympics this time. lol. i watched
the swimming and ahhhh, Michael Phelps!! he's an OMGGG!
superb swimmer indeed. and i wanna watched the basketball! tsk.
okay enough abt Olympics.
Abt sch this time, according to Alvin. EOY is in 4weeks time?
like really arh?! i so did not know that. and im panicking like
crazzzzyy. hmm, what if i dont make it to sec4? cause honestly
my studies suck now. -.- oh weeelll. there.is.still.time. hahhaha.
and ooohh, today's Sunday eh. Reg came over to my house
aft church and we studied. haha. taught her chemistry and
i studied lil bit of maths. and reg cooked lunch/dinner for me. LOL!
egggg with honeyyy! :D thanks arh! hahahah. sarap yung luto mo! (:
wanted to cam-whore but my hp suck (the image quality) and couldnt
find the camera and so nvm. we ended up gossiping on my bro's bed.
haha and oh btw, bro wasnt at home kaaayyy. plus it was windy
and colddd. bro's bed nearby the window whaatt. it was ffffun
gossiping once in a blue moon. hahaha.
lately, i've been listening to lots of love songs, those songs in the
80's/90's. hmmmm ... nice! (:
Friday, August 15, 2008
its friday, the 15th. haha okay, nothing abt that.
soooooo.. my last update was on the Japan hosting.
yeaap. it was ffffffun (: turned out that she (Kanako)
was like only sec1 but she's suppose to be pri6. o.O
and omggg lahh, i kinda had a hard time communicating
with her cuz she doesnt speak english, only a little little bit.
and most of the time, i had to use sign language. hahaha.
buttt fuuuun dey. first day, brought her to town and walk arnd.
second day, brought her to vivo city and sentosa. enjoyable! :D
like we took them to the skyride and ludge(sp?) .. cycled arnd
the beaches (since she cycles) and more ... hahaha.
the farewell lunch was oookaaay tooo. we were suppose to bring
them to play bowling but theenn the bowling center were all booked
and reserve. and they wanted to shop AGAIN at vivo city. -.-
cabbed to vivo and etc. last day! boohhoo. sent them to
Orchid Country Club and we had our SAYONARA there. ):
just so you know, all our outings inlcuded reg and her guest, Saori. (:
on the first day, sissy tagged along. then sentosa day, John Thomas,
azmi and his guest, yuki came to sentosa and "bumped" into us. (lol)
and the rest of the remaining days, we were all bringing them arnd
together minus John T. .. gets? haha. and our guests were from the
same sch, Aya Jr. High. which means that they went back on Monday
unlike the Shiiba students who went back on Sunday. so there you go.
that long weekend was so enjoyable and fun and hilarious and
entertaining and yeeaaaah. ((: i miss talking in Japanese, like
in one word, hahaha and esp using sign languages which can really
get retarded. hahaha. i want to host again nxt yr! but i doubt i can.
o-level eh. -.-
pictures nxt time when i have uploaded it.
omgg lah, this year, the hosting. HAHAHA. so much retarded
and super super hilarious stuffs abt the Japanese students.
funny can? :DDD
its friday, the 15th. haha okay, nothing abt that.
soooooo.. my last update was on the Japan hosting.
yeaap. it was ffffffun (: turned out that she (Kanako)
was like only sec1 but she's suppose to be pri6. o.O
and omggg lahh, i kinda had a hard time communicating
with her cuz she doesnt speak english, only a little little bit.
and most of the time, i had to use sign language. hahaha.
buttt fuuuun dey. first day, brought her to town and walk arnd.
second day, brought her to vivo city and sentosa. enjoyable! :D
like we took them to the skyride and ludge(sp?) .. cycled arnd
the beaches (since she cycles) and more ... hahaha.
the farewell lunch was oookaaay tooo. we were suppose to bring
them to play bowling but theenn the bowling center were all booked
and reserve. and they wanted to shop AGAIN at vivo city. -.-
cabbed to vivo and etc. last day! boohhoo. sent them to
Orchid Country Club and we had our SAYONARA there. ):
just so you know, all our outings inlcuded reg and her guest, Saori. (:
on the first day, sissy tagged along. then sentosa day, John Thomas,
azmi and his guest, yuki came to sentosa and "bumped" into us. (lol)
and the rest of the remaining days, we were all bringing them arnd
together minus John T. .. gets? haha. and our guests were from the
same sch, Aya Jr. High. which means that they went back on Monday
unlike the Shiiba students who went back on Sunday. so there you go.
that long weekend was so enjoyable and fun and hilarious and
entertaining and yeeaaaah. ((: i miss talking in Japanese, like
in one word, hahaha and esp using sign languages which can really
get retarded. hahaha. i want to host again nxt yr! but i doubt i can.
o-level eh. -.-
pictures nxt time when i have uploaded it.
omgg lah, this year, the hosting. HAHAHA. so much retarded
and super super hilarious stuffs abt the Japanese students.
funny can? :DDD
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Monday, August 04, 2008
Yesterday was the FOODnFUNFAIR of SMOTA.
haaaah. fun lah okay. the whole of my Sunday morning
and half of the aftnn was spent there. I spent most of my
tickets on the Pinoy food stall. lolll. there was like nothing
much to eat and i din feel like eating though. Went there
super early laah cause of game stall duties. 8am hokaaay.
but it was kinda slacked cuz there were lesser people.
funn ehhh, looking aft the stalls and calling kids to come
and play. we had to do the 'land fishing and 'wheel of fortune'
stall. haha. so later when duty was done, met up with reg and
walked arnd. then met alvin, endy, nicholas and roy together
with michelle. we walked arnd and round then saw bryan
and we were like in one place, staying and kinda stoning like
we din know where to go first. and alvin kept saying sia suay
here and there. lol! he's a shy boy. hahaha.
went for 1230 mass and sat with the two Johns, alvin,
endy and reg. then went back again to finish our tickets. lol.
and ohhh yah, we did this handprint stuffs cuz they were trying
to break the record of longest handprint banner? 50m. hahah.
and i paste my handprint like 3times. loll.
and todaaaayyy.
chem test was -.- -.-' ... had meeting for the Japanese host stuffs
and haaaah, i dragged reg. hoping that she could still host and yeap,
she did. and yeaaah. im hosting again this year. woohhoo. (:
i forgot her name though but cant wait to meet her this friday.
she's like frm Aya Jr. High Sch, which means she'll be staying in my
house for 4days and three nights. O.O weeeee. kinda long huh? :D
Yesterday was the FOODnFUNFAIR of SMOTA.
haaaah. fun lah okay. the whole of my Sunday morning
and half of the aftnn was spent there. I spent most of my
tickets on the Pinoy food stall. lolll. there was like nothing
much to eat and i din feel like eating though. Went there
super early laah cause of game stall duties. 8am hokaaay.
but it was kinda slacked cuz there were lesser people.
funn ehhh, looking aft the stalls and calling kids to come
and play. we had to do the 'land fishing and 'wheel of fortune'
stall. haha. so later when duty was done, met up with reg and
walked arnd. then met alvin, endy, nicholas and roy together
with michelle. we walked arnd and round then saw bryan
and we were like in one place, staying and kinda stoning like
we din know where to go first. and alvin kept saying sia suay
here and there. lol! he's a shy boy. hahaha.
went for 1230 mass and sat with the two Johns, alvin,
endy and reg. then went back again to finish our tickets. lol.
and ohhh yah, we did this handprint stuffs cuz they were trying
to break the record of longest handprint banner? 50m. hahah.
and i paste my handprint like 3times. loll.
and todaaaayyy.
chem test was -.- -.-' ... had meeting for the Japanese host stuffs
and haaaah, i dragged reg. hoping that she could still host and yeap,
she did. and yeaaah. im hosting again this year. woohhoo. (:
i forgot her name though but cant wait to meet her this friday.
she's like frm Aya Jr. High Sch, which means she'll be staying in my
house for 4days and three nights. O.O weeeee. kinda long huh? :D
Friday, August 01, 2008
today was a heck-retard day. so slack can?
Cath class in the morning first and we practiced
songs for founders day. lol. e-maths period, we did
test and then for Eng, i almost slept half-way thru.
aft recess was unusual.
instead of gng back to class, they sent us the girls to
AVT and a teacher tok to us abt sme stuffs.
while walking back to class (the guys werent back yet),
saw a few ppl and a banner stand (??) that says 'street aviate' ?
haha and yeap, there was a performance but only it was going
to be showed aft sch but things kind of got chaotic and hahahha.
Mr Keh had to like announce all of us to get back inside the class.
hahaah fuunny scenes just now.
so anw, the juggler was great (his performance), he's frm
Japan and his name's pepper zero. LOL. his accent was real cute. lol!
aiyah, lazy to elaborate. lol. but it was entertaining, enjoyed it. :D
today was a heck-retard day. so slack can?
Cath class in the morning first and we practiced
songs for founders day. lol. e-maths period, we did
test and then for Eng, i almost slept half-way thru.
aft recess was unusual.
instead of gng back to class, they sent us the girls to
AVT and a teacher tok to us abt sme stuffs.
while walking back to class (the guys werent back yet),
saw a few ppl and a banner stand (??) that says 'street aviate' ?
haha and yeap, there was a performance but only it was going
to be showed aft sch but things kind of got chaotic and hahahha.
Mr Keh had to like announce all of us to get back inside the class.
hahaah fuunny scenes just now.
so anw, the juggler was great (his performance), he's frm
Japan and his name's pepper zero. LOL. his accent was real cute. lol!
aiyah, lazy to elaborate. lol. but it was entertaining, enjoyed it. :D
Heeello August!
aw, how time reaally flies.

PHIL '08 (: -

lil sisters, (:

haha, actually the one on my left and right are my sister's childhood
friends in Dubai and yeap, they are twins. their mom and my mom were
bestfriends before they were even married. coool huh? :D
there's more pics i wanna post actually but nah lazzzyyyness is tking
over me so some other time i guess? haha.
hope ya enjoy yeah? and looking at the photos again, i did not realise
i actually did had alot of fun back there (Phil). awwwwie.
i miss my two lil sisters. shucks.
aw, how time reaally flies.

PHIL '08 (: -
lil sisters, (:
haha, actually the one on my left and right are my sister's childhood
friends in Dubai and yeap, they are twins. their mom and my mom were
bestfriends before they were even married. coool huh? :D
there's more pics i wanna post actually but nah lazzzyyyness is tking
over me so some other time i guess? haha.
hope ya enjoy yeah? and looking at the photos again, i did not realise
i actually did had alot of fun back there (Phil). awwwwie.
i miss my two lil sisters. shucks.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The trip to the OLD SUPREME COURT. (:
it was ffffun and interesting! :DD
hahaha, so actually when we were boarding the bus, (not knowing
that we were boarding the wrong one) ... classmates and I were
racing cuz all wanted to sit right at the back. hahaha! LOL, i know.
i dont know what got into our heads but yeah whatever.
so all i can say is that while 'racing' to the bus, funny things happpen.
hahaha, realllyyy. not trying to be mean but ahh hahaha. okay, im over
laughing at it. peace. (:
first, we went to the new Supreme Court and tour us arnd only at the
ground level and showed us some of S'pore's most notorious criminals
and stuffs, most of it were galleries and etc. then headed to the old one.
haha fun sia. we went to the entrance where all the accusers go thru
to await their trials and they treated us like accusers. hahaha. then led
us to 'our' cells and everything. lol. the guy tok and tok and blah then
we started taking photos and everything. then we walked thru the secret
passage which leads to the court appeal room and oh, those pathway is the
way where all the accusers walked. man! i can imagine how they are really
feeling while walking under that dark way and await their trial. guilty or what.
the court room was shiok! and colddddd. started taking out phones and
cam-whore. lol. aft that tour arnd the chief justice room. he has his own
bathroom! hahaha. then went arnd some more and we went to the balcony.
nice sia! the breeze of the wind. hmmmm.. started cam-whoring again.
the final tour was downstairs and again, we cam-whore but without the
cells or anything in the background. hahaha. lol. basically we were all
cam-whore freaks during the entire time. but it was interesting. whooopie!
oh so glad we had this tour, mwahaha.
kay, braaaather wanna use the com. right beside me and bugging me off. HA!
it was ffffun and interesting! :DD
hahaha, so actually when we were boarding the bus, (not knowing
that we were boarding the wrong one) ... classmates and I were
racing cuz all wanted to sit right at the back. hahaha! LOL, i know.
i dont know what got into our heads but yeah whatever.
so all i can say is that while 'racing' to the bus, funny things happpen.
hahaha, realllyyy. not trying to be mean but ahh hahaha. okay, im over
laughing at it. peace. (:
first, we went to the new Supreme Court and tour us arnd only at the
ground level and showed us some of S'pore's most notorious criminals
and stuffs, most of it were galleries and etc. then headed to the old one.
haha fun sia. we went to the entrance where all the accusers go thru
to await their trials and they treated us like accusers. hahaha. then led
us to 'our' cells and everything. lol. the guy tok and tok and blah then
we started taking photos and everything. then we walked thru the secret
passage which leads to the court appeal room and oh, those pathway is the
way where all the accusers walked. man! i can imagine how they are really
feeling while walking under that dark way and await their trial. guilty or what.
the court room was shiok! and colddddd. started taking out phones and
cam-whore. lol. aft that tour arnd the chief justice room. he has his own
bathroom! hahaha. then went arnd some more and we went to the balcony.
nice sia! the breeze of the wind. hmmmm.. started cam-whoring again.
the final tour was downstairs and again, we cam-whore but without the
cells or anything in the background. hahaha. lol. basically we were all
cam-whore freaks during the entire time. but it was interesting. whooopie!
oh so glad we had this tour, mwahaha.
kay, braaaather wanna use the com. right beside me and bugging me off. HA!
first of all, my blog turns TWO years old today. wow. blogging for
two yrs now eh? im so so gonna look back to the past (later).
i misss good old memories. Sometimes i do wish to turn back those
times, those carefree times and much more younger and innocent days.
where all we knew were just laughter and being childish. sighhh.
we have to grow up, i guess? haaaaaaah.
so secondly .. CHURCH CAMP.
haha, it was - AWESOME (!!) really. even though there were those
pissed off times like "we paid 80bucks for this shyt?" haha but we're okay.
lol. the activities we did were all water activities, woohooo! -
plus Mass (duh) and PRAISE&WORSHIP. (((: freakingggg ffffffun.
jumping here and there like total retards but hey we were praising. mwha.
and oh i ended up in the grp called St. Margaret. The people i only knew were
tessa and ranelle. And during the briefing, we (the girls ONLY) bonded, like
made introductions and started coming up with conversations and chatting
away like old friends. hahaha. the guys in the grp were so anti-social laaaah.
we tried to talk to them but they ignored us and looked away. up until the
camp, i dnt know any of the guys in my grp xcept two. greeeaat or what?
then coming to assigning of the tents and everything, the girls were all so
pissed cuz we couldnt choose who to sleep with, they HAD TO choose for
us and each tent had 6 ppl, holy cow! do you know how squeezy and hot that
is? buttttt in the end? most of the girls slept outside. :DD haha so i called reg
and amanda and her friend came along plus michelle and nicole. six of us were
sleeping in one row outside together with other girls and goodness, we were
sleeping under the star-less night and not to forget, the airplanes! and oh oh
i havent told yet. the camp place is nice and cute and small (!!) heeeeeh.
its like in Changi so its just behind or rather across Changi Airport's runway
where the airplanes take offf. every 5-10mins or so, planes kept passing
by and i swear! thats the closest i ever got to see a plane almost right above
my head and if i were to stand at the top of a 4-storey building, i think i can
touch the plane! so huge can?! esp S'pore Airlines and the sound of it. the
noisiest and piercing sound of the Qantas Airlines is argh to the ear but its
huge! so backk to camp. hahaha. halfway thru the night, it drizzled! so the
six of us move right under the dorms and continued sleeping. and then the
airbus 380 passed by. could feel myself or rather the building or rather
the ground vibrating. wow! and oh oh, there was this fella- Melvin who made
a big fool of himself infront of the people. in between the 'breaks' we had, he
would start dancing like doing the moonwalk and headstand and even pole
dance. hahahah, hilari-ous thing ever!! seriously. it was really
a ........entertainment. gosh. well, the people enjoyed and cheered him on. -.-
so anyway three days has passed since the camp. i miss the place esp. the
airplanes! the sound of it, we got so used to it and smetimes i keep hearing
it in my head. woooah. i think aft the camp, i have since been amazed abt
airplanes! and i kept admiring the pilot who's flying it. awwwww.
marry a pilot someday? hahahaha. wth? lol. maybe i will. hahahaha dot!
okay, im gonna post this now and create another post to talk abt todays
trip to the old supreme court. mwahaha. (:
first of all, my blog turns TWO years old today. wow. blogging for
two yrs now eh? im so so gonna look back to the past (later).
i misss good old memories. Sometimes i do wish to turn back those
times, those carefree times and much more younger and innocent days.
where all we knew were just laughter and being childish. sighhh.
we have to grow up, i guess? haaaaaaah.
so secondly .. CHURCH CAMP.
haha, it was - AWESOME (!!) really. even though there were those
pissed off times like "we paid 80bucks for this shyt?" haha but we're okay.
lol. the activities we did were all water activities, woohooo! -
plus Mass (duh) and PRAISE&WORSHIP. (((: freakingggg ffffffun.
jumping here and there like total retards but hey we were praising. mwha.
and oh i ended up in the grp called St. Margaret. The people i only knew were
tessa and ranelle. And during the briefing, we (the girls ONLY) bonded, like
made introductions and started coming up with conversations and chatting
away like old friends. hahaha. the guys in the grp were so anti-social laaaah.
we tried to talk to them but they ignored us and looked away. up until the
camp, i dnt know any of the guys in my grp xcept two. greeeaat or what?
then coming to assigning of the tents and everything, the girls were all so
pissed cuz we couldnt choose who to sleep with, they HAD TO choose for
us and each tent had 6 ppl, holy cow! do you know how squeezy and hot that
is? buttttt in the end? most of the girls slept outside. :DD haha so i called reg
and amanda and her friend came along plus michelle and nicole. six of us were
sleeping in one row outside together with other girls and goodness, we were
sleeping under the star-less night and not to forget, the airplanes! and oh oh
i havent told yet. the camp place is nice and cute and small (!!) heeeeeh.
its like in Changi so its just behind or rather across Changi Airport's runway
where the airplanes take offf. every 5-10mins or so, planes kept passing
by and i swear! thats the closest i ever got to see a plane almost right above
my head and if i were to stand at the top of a 4-storey building, i think i can
touch the plane! so huge can?! esp S'pore Airlines and the sound of it. the
noisiest and piercing sound of the Qantas Airlines is argh to the ear but its
huge! so backk to camp. hahaha. halfway thru the night, it drizzled! so the
six of us move right under the dorms and continued sleeping. and then the
airbus 380 passed by. could feel myself or rather the building or rather
the ground vibrating. wow! and oh oh, there was this fella- Melvin who made
a big fool of himself infront of the people. in between the 'breaks' we had, he
would start dancing like doing the moonwalk and headstand and even pole
dance. hahahah, hilari-ous thing ever!! seriously. it was really
a ........entertainment. gosh. well, the people enjoyed and cheered him on. -.-
so anyway three days has passed since the camp. i miss the place esp. the
airplanes! the sound of it, we got so used to it and smetimes i keep hearing
it in my head. woooah. i think aft the camp, i have since been amazed abt
airplanes! and i kept admiring the pilot who's flying it. awwwww.
marry a pilot someday? hahahaha. wth? lol. maybe i will. hahahaha dot!
okay, im gonna post this now and create another post to talk abt todays
trip to the old supreme court. mwahaha. (:
Friday, July 25, 2008
Last day of Mission Weeek! awwwh.
As usual, lots of hyper and laughter. :D
kay so .. tmr, there's Church Camp.
yeap, Camp. Dont know what to feel
about it. hah. Let's just see what its gonna
bring for the next two days.
andddd today, outing with Reg. to towwwwn!
haha. watch Prom Night and hoooooh, scary sia.
Its mostly killing here and there. haha. Aft
watching the show, me and reg felt .... SEEECRETT.
hahahah. (:
okay i better go off. I have not really done
packing my bag.
byeee! and may I enjoy my camp! andd oh friends too,
lol or what? hahaa.
As usual, lots of hyper and laughter. :D
kay so .. tmr, there's Church Camp.
yeap, Camp. Dont know what to feel
about it. hah. Let's just see what its gonna
bring for the next two days.
andddd today, outing with Reg. to towwwwn!
haha. watch Prom Night and hoooooh, scary sia.
Its mostly killing here and there. haha. Aft
watching the show, me and reg felt .... SEEECRETT.
hahahah. (:
okay i better go off. I have not really done
packing my bag.
byeee! and may I enjoy my camp! andd oh friends too,
lol or what? hahaa.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
so, this blog has been dead for #!$%$&$%^#$& years.
(okay, so totally exaggerating) anyway, things have
been happening. i mean nothing much, yeah things
happen. kay whatever. i think there's just some
changes i decided to change in my so-called daily
routine. okay you know what? dnt bother abt it. you
wont probably get me so yah. just leave it.
lil sis, i miss you! cheena sister! haha yeah, she's my chinese-
looking lil sis and people so dnt believe she's my sis but well,
she is. she's in Phil now btw. gah, yeah she is over there. gah.
mariel! omgg. oh dear. imissyousofreakingmuch! its been a
year and blahblah months since i last saw you. been having
less contact nowadays but its okay. i swear im gonna
see you again in future. time will tell. (:
soo .. updates updates.
my week last week was great! two days in a row, went to
church - Mon&Tues. hanging out with friends. going
to the park and play, relieving stress and eating lunch at
Al-Amin (sp?). those happened on tues (July 15).
and the rest of the days went on well and great i guess.
and, its like i've been so much closer to God cause of everything
that happened last week. wow.
the weekends were also great! Saturday, went jogging with family
early in the morning. Its so surprising cause on Saturdays, my
family usually sleep out late but woah, jogging in the morning
huh? and did i tell you that i gained weight aft the trip to Phil? oh yeah,
i always gained weight when i go back to Phil. lol. then on Sunday, Cath
class was hilarious. esp during Mass. omgg. must have sinned alot. cause
of Melvin (i think that was his name). yeap, he was just basicallyy .. -.-
michelle and the people arnd us were laughing or rather giggling cause
of him. hahaha. and then back to St. Clare Hall. We had to do this
newspaper report on Jesus' Resurrection, and my grp were as usual
crapping and blahblah. and to the presentation .. the grp decided to
present together and it was hilariously fuuuunny. lol? hahahaha.
then ate at macs and left to meet sis and cousin. ate 'lunch' again with
cousin and the Filipino Choir people. hahah, trust me. the people were
joking and laughing their butts away. pinoys talaga. hahaha. (:
went to town with cousins and sis aft that. pretty long day huh?
this week!
Monday was the last day of Sexuality Talk and hahaha. learned alot
abt the talk. tuesday was the visit to the Science Centre. It was
okay/fun. lol. kana sabo so many times! first, the talk on viruses
then the mircobes show and then that balloon stuff. so xia suay can?!
ytd, had Praise and Worship and wooohoo, *takes deep breath* ...
it was one PW that i ever .. .. concentrated so much. wow. it was
such a great feeling. and basically we were late for bowling so ended
up slacking. today! Mission Week! hahaha, yay! no lessons babeh.
Mission week was ffffffuun. lol. and aft which, went to watch the
AES Talentime. and Congrats to John Mari, Nadhirah, Ksquare
(Kat G. & Kim) anddd Chester and Timothy Loh. :D
went for Eng lesson aft that and hahah as usual, we did nothing.
me and reg were like doodling again. lol.
tmr's last day of Mission Week! awh.
then Sat&Sun .. Parish Youth Camp (PYC) at someplace in Changi.
we're gonna do alot of water activities. wooopie! hope its gonna
be fun. haaaaaaah.
and oh, one last thing. just so you know, Mom and the two lil sistas
are in Phil right now. they flew off like last thursday. awwwwww.
so jealous caan? they went to my childhood place (!!) the place
where i grew up! dangggggg!! my childhood memories. its been
8years since i last saw that city in Phil. i want i want i want to go
there this Dec! Please Lord. gaaaaaah.
okay this is all.
byeeeeeeeeee. :D
so, this blog has been dead for #!$%$&$%^#$& years.
(okay, so totally exaggerating) anyway, things have
been happening. i mean nothing much, yeah things
happen. kay whatever. i think there's just some
changes i decided to change in my so-called daily
routine. okay you know what? dnt bother abt it. you
wont probably get me so yah. just leave it.
lil sis, i miss you! cheena sister! haha yeah, she's my chinese-
looking lil sis and people so dnt believe she's my sis but well,
she is. she's in Phil now btw. gah, yeah she is over there. gah.
mariel! omgg. oh dear. imissyousofreakingmuch! its been a
year and blahblah months since i last saw you. been having
less contact nowadays but its okay. i swear im gonna
see you again in future. time will tell. (:
soo .. updates updates.
my week last week was great! two days in a row, went to
church - Mon&Tues. hanging out with friends. going
to the park and play, relieving stress and eating lunch at
Al-Amin (sp?). those happened on tues (July 15).
and the rest of the days went on well and great i guess.
and, its like i've been so much closer to God cause of everything
that happened last week. wow.
the weekends were also great! Saturday, went jogging with family
early in the morning. Its so surprising cause on Saturdays, my
family usually sleep out late but woah, jogging in the morning
huh? and did i tell you that i gained weight aft the trip to Phil? oh yeah,
i always gained weight when i go back to Phil. lol. then on Sunday, Cath
class was hilarious. esp during Mass. omgg. must have sinned alot. cause
of Melvin (i think that was his name). yeap, he was just basicallyy .. -.-
michelle and the people arnd us were laughing or rather giggling cause
of him. hahaha. and then back to St. Clare Hall. We had to do this
newspaper report on Jesus' Resurrection, and my grp were as usual
crapping and blahblah. and to the presentation .. the grp decided to
present together and it was hilariously fuuuunny. lol? hahahaha.
then ate at macs and left to meet sis and cousin. ate 'lunch' again with
cousin and the Filipino Choir people. hahah, trust me. the people were
joking and laughing their butts away. pinoys talaga. hahaha. (:
went to town with cousins and sis aft that. pretty long day huh?
this week!
Monday was the last day of Sexuality Talk and hahaha. learned alot
abt the talk. tuesday was the visit to the Science Centre. It was
okay/fun. lol. kana sabo so many times! first, the talk on viruses
then the mircobes show and then that balloon stuff. so xia suay can?!
ytd, had Praise and Worship and wooohoo, *takes deep breath* ...
it was one PW that i ever .. .. concentrated so much. wow. it was
such a great feeling. and basically we were late for bowling so ended
up slacking. today! Mission Week! hahaha, yay! no lessons babeh.
Mission week was ffffffuun. lol. and aft which, went to watch the
AES Talentime. and Congrats to John Mari, Nadhirah, Ksquare
(Kat G. & Kim) anddd Chester and Timothy Loh. :D
went for Eng lesson aft that and hahah as usual, we did nothing.
me and reg were like doodling again. lol.
tmr's last day of Mission Week! awh.
then Sat&Sun .. Parish Youth Camp (PYC) at someplace in Changi.
we're gonna do alot of water activities. wooopie! hope its gonna
be fun. haaaaaaah.
and oh, one last thing. just so you know, Mom and the two lil sistas
are in Phil right now. they flew off like last thursday. awwwwww.
so jealous caan? they went to my childhood place (!!) the place
where i grew up! dangggggg!! my childhood memories. its been
8years since i last saw that city in Phil. i want i want i want to go
there this Dec! Please Lord. gaaaaaah.
okay this is all.
byeeeeeeeeee. :D
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