Its Dec now babehhh, Christmas is almost here! :D
howeverrrr, im predicting that x'mas is gonna be
boo-oh-ring. tskkk. arghhhhhh. think postive ..
even Simbang Gabi .. no one to go withh! }:
sister's gonna be workingg and mom and lil sissys
are in the phil. gahhhh. First x'mas without mom
and lil sissys i guess? imagine .. how boring its gonna be.
I've been reading my old posts like .. in DEC '06 & '07.
hahaha yeah, those good ol' SB days. 2006 was with
Mariel's family and then, they migrated .. 2007 was
with Alyy's fam and then, they migrated .. tsk?!
hahaha. Looking backk, it was so so fun. heeeh. We
would reserve seats for one another and then go food
grabbing esp with mariel! lollllll. And we would sms each
other to update where we were and to hurry up cause it
was so paisehhh, reserving one whole row of seats. hahaaha!
and then, there was this post .. and i rmb .. me, aly and reg's
first time ever, watching a movie tgth. hahaha. I rmb me
going the wrong way and aly thinking that the advertisement
board was the door and there were less than 10 ppl in the
cine and reg laughing like an idiot for dunno-whad-reason
and she, sitting like its her own home and almost kick
someone's head. LOL, it was rlly full of craps. And that movie
was Bratz. (ithinkso) hahaaha. i miss those timessss.
okay, so i wont "talk" now. Gonna post pics uppp and downnn.
lolll, our heads missing.
okay, those above are @ marina barrage.
reggy and her sibs.
Alvin's & Justin's Holy Communion.
nxt, AES Open House.
@ Hort Parkkk.
okay, so i think thats kinda lot of pic.
its pretty lonely thinking ders only me and reg
left .. without aly and mariel. .. }=
like hanging out and etcetc. But we still
have funnnn, haha [:
kay so that was pretty random of me.
niway, i love this blogskin. Its simple
and neat. I had a hard time looking for
skins like this k. cause most of it
were like .. idk?
k, bye. Having sme plans these week.
dnt wanna mention it or else it'll
get jinx. lollll, am i making any
and reggy's leaving for in pinas in a few
days time. danggggggg.
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