Hello, hello, hello!
its coming to the end of 2008. time flies huh?
k soooo, i've alot to update but i'll just make it short.
im having difficulty sleeping at night! ever since aft Christmas
and as days and nights passes by. I think i have insomia. ):
grrrrrrr. so hard to sleep k. Keep thinking alotttttt like my
O'ssssss. tsk.
I miss bffffs. No one to talk and reminisce memories in 2008 with.
RMSG is officially missing in my inbox. argh. Im guessing something's
wrong with her SIM card. damn. I cant wait for her to backkkkkkk!
i have millions of things to tell her. I wanna chat with Alyyyyyyy! But
im always waking up late, late, late! gosh. I wanna connect back with
mariel! its been months, months and months!
Im gng jogging later with bffs yimling and renee! yeaaaah! feel like shopping
with them! but nahh, such limited time. and super last minute. hahaah.
i cant wait for my O's to be over. hahahaha. okay, thats still a long wayyyyy
down. like what my mom told me "there's always a trial before we can obtain
happiness" hahaha cute advice.
so, i ask myself if im prepared for next yr? haaha. yes, no, maybe?
and im excited and happy for my sister. (: she's going to study
tourism in some school. lollllll. Archille, the brother is gng to school
with me nxt yr. hahaha.
Another thing awaits me is my mommyyyyy and two lil sissyyys! hehe.
they are coming back here nxt yr smewhere in between march to may?
yeah, holidays here man. but havent booked tickets. lolllll.
i have millions to pictures to upload from all the events and outings i've
been going and some camwhores. nxt yr lah k. haha.
anw, im not so sure if i can update tmr or the nxt few days or what so,
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
the aftermath of Christmas. haha.
Christmas was GREAAATTT. Lots of Great foods which
will surely make me gain weight. mwaha.
went home super late last night, 12.30am. plus we walked
home from CCK to BB. (:
so, there's a few days left before the end of 2 0 0 8.
ALLLL my homeworks are untouched. damn.
which means, im gonna be preparing for school and do
all those stuffs and etc etc for the rest of the remaining
gah, why do i always do things at the eleventh hour?
and oh, i've come up with a New Year Resolution. hahaha.
okay bye. im in a rush now. WILL TRY to update sometime.
i have to alot to say. ahaha.
the aftermath of Christmas. haha.
Christmas was GREAAATTT. Lots of Great foods which
will surely make me gain weight. mwaha.
went home super late last night, 12.30am. plus we walked
home from CCK to BB. (:
so, there's a few days left before the end of 2 0 0 8.
ALLLL my homeworks are untouched. damn.
which means, im gonna be preparing for school and do
all those stuffs and etc etc for the rest of the remaining
gah, why do i always do things at the eleventh hour?
and oh, i've come up with a New Year Resolution. hahaha.
okay bye. im in a rush now. WILL TRY to update sometime.
i have to alot to say. ahaha.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
i dont know if i should get pissed or whattttt.
but what the hellllll?!
im starting to dislike soooome peoople. ohno!
sooo, i woke up early because i told aly that i would catch her online.
mwaha. and i did. i made her dayyy and she made mine though i nvr
told her online. haha, yayyyyy! i just realised it. im slow.
i missss bfffffs. i want them anrd nowwwwwww. heh, so demanding.
i neeed to talk to themmmm and @#$#%$%$^%&&*@#$$%#%#%!
soooo, Simbang Gabi ehhh. It has veeen fffunnnn. fuuun in a sense of
grabbing foood, squeezing thru the crowd, MEEETING OLD FRIENDS
and Father Angel's Homily. haha yesss, i've been listening 1000000%
tonight will be at St Francis. haha, my first church in SG.
like i said, i've been meeting lots of old friends, childhood friends etcccc.
i've seen some familiar faces but ehhh, im nt sure if i knw them. lollllllll.
Christ the King Church was funnny. haha. me and sibs were really pushing
thru the crowd to get the food and there were a million of people ahead of us.
they were passing up the foood and there was this lady who kept laughing and
grabbing any food that comes into her hands. lolll, she was like screaming and
laughing at the same time upon seeing the fooods and there were people shouting
"nandito na yung pancit!" hahaha cute.
anddddddddd i brought RENEE along. hahaha. retarded, i know. i told her to
laugh if i laugh. hahaha. i was kidding lah k.
ytd, went to AES. yessssssh, brother going to that school. mwaha. kana force
by father. we were late for his orientation ehhh. was supposed to report at
0830am and we woke up at 9am. lolll, john was like calling me. and oh yeah,
his bro, josh is gng to AES as well. but too bad, aint in the same class as brother.
ah, i better go offf now. i have yet to eat my breakfast etc etc.
and i take back abt disliking some people. ITS CHRISTMAS YO. (:
i dont know if i should get pissed or whattttt.
but what the hellllll?!
im starting to dislike soooome peoople. ohno!
sooo, i woke up early because i told aly that i would catch her online.
mwaha. and i did. i made her dayyy and she made mine though i nvr
told her online. haha, yayyyyy! i just realised it. im slow.
i missss bfffffs. i want them anrd nowwwwwww. heh, so demanding.
i neeed to talk to themmmm and @#$#%$%$^%&&*@#$$%#%#%!
soooo, Simbang Gabi ehhh. It has veeen fffunnnn. fuuun in a sense of
grabbing foood, squeezing thru the crowd, MEEETING OLD FRIENDS
and Father Angel's Homily. haha yesss, i've been listening 1000000%
tonight will be at St Francis. haha, my first church in SG.
like i said, i've been meeting lots of old friends, childhood friends etcccc.
i've seen some familiar faces but ehhh, im nt sure if i knw them. lollllllll.
Christ the King Church was funnny. haha. me and sibs were really pushing
thru the crowd to get the food and there were a million of people ahead of us.
they were passing up the foood and there was this lady who kept laughing and
grabbing any food that comes into her hands. lolll, she was like screaming and
laughing at the same time upon seeing the fooods and there were people shouting
"nandito na yung pancit!" hahaha cute.
anddddddddd i brought RENEE along. hahaha. retarded, i know. i told her to
laugh if i laugh. hahaha. i was kidding lah k.
ytd, went to AES. yessssssh, brother going to that school. mwaha. kana force
by father. we were late for his orientation ehhh. was supposed to report at
0830am and we woke up at 9am. lolll, john was like calling me. and oh yeah,
his bro, josh is gng to AES as well. but too bad, aint in the same class as brother.
ah, i better go offf now. i have yet to eat my breakfast etc etc.
and i take back abt disliking some people. ITS CHRISTMAS YO. (:
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
hello, hello, hello!
eee. im back from the dinner and dance. OMG.
i love love love LOVE the ENTERTAINER/HOST!!!
he's like soooooo funnnyyyyyy. i was laughing my ass
off all the while! hahaha.
they played games and stufff. The first game, they
played ten different songs from ten different countries,
and we have to write it down. too bad, my table got
the 7th song wrongly. lollllll. A pinoy song came out,
hahaha .. the pinoy big brother song.
and then, there was this game which was something abt
soccer and soo, they called out four people with four
different languages - hokkien, tamil, malay and dutch.
lollll, and guess what? they had to pretend to be a soccer
commentator (sp?) and hahaha, they had to comment in their
own respective language. The host pretended to be
some famous soccer players like Cristiano Ronaldo.
and when the commentator shout "GOAAALLLL"
we had to lift our napkins and swing it in the air plus a song
would play "oleh! oleh! oleh! "
this game was HAHAHAHAHAHA. :D
not to forget to mention, the host was KINDA or rather hornyyyy!
hahahahaha. awesomely hilarious!
"Boleh tahan, press me lah!" - LOLLLLLLL!
and he can like imitate all the different accents.
well, cause the theme was actually "Where dreams take flight"
something abt boarding and like coming from different countries.
which is why some people were wearing cheong sam/bajung kurung/
thai/japan etccc .. and there was even a guy who dressed up as
HERCULES. hahahaha.
and there was this part where the people on stage had to do the
hussle (sp?) dance. and the dance steps had to do sth with " push harder"
and omgggg, he asked the contestants silllyyyy, funnny, hornyyy
questions. hahahahah. hilarious lahhhh.
the foood was uhmmm yum? haha, well cause my dad chose VEGETARIAN.
tsk tsk .. -.- and i had be a vegetarian for the night.
and everyone had champange in the endddddd. yeaaahh babyyy.
haha, i dnt regret going(duh!) . cause in the first place, i was hesistant to go,
i mean adults there eehhhhh but haha i was wrong. there were kids
and a lil bit of teenagers.
soooo, i pretty much elaborated what happened tonight. lolllll.
the host's jokes are pretty much still in my head. hahaha. (:
eee. im back from the dinner and dance. OMG.
i love love love LOVE the ENTERTAINER/HOST!!!
he's like soooooo funnnyyyyyy. i was laughing my ass
off all the while! hahaha.
they played games and stufff. The first game, they
played ten different songs from ten different countries,
and we have to write it down. too bad, my table got
the 7th song wrongly. lollllll. A pinoy song came out,
hahaha .. the pinoy big brother song.
and then, there was this game which was something abt
soccer and soo, they called out four people with four
different languages - hokkien, tamil, malay and dutch.
lollll, and guess what? they had to pretend to be a soccer
commentator (sp?) and hahaha, they had to comment in their
own respective language. The host pretended to be
some famous soccer players like Cristiano Ronaldo.
and when the commentator shout "GOAAALLLL"
we had to lift our napkins and swing it in the air plus a song
would play "oleh! oleh! oleh! "
this game was HAHAHAHAHAHA. :D
not to forget to mention, the host was KINDA or rather hornyyyy!
hahahahaha. awesomely hilarious!
"Boleh tahan, press me lah!" - LOLLLLLLL!
and he can like imitate all the different accents.
well, cause the theme was actually "Where dreams take flight"
something abt boarding and like coming from different countries.
which is why some people were wearing cheong sam/bajung kurung/
thai/japan etccc .. and there was even a guy who dressed up as
HERCULES. hahahaha.
and there was this part where the people on stage had to do the
hussle (sp?) dance. and the dance steps had to do sth with " push harder"
and omgggg, he asked the contestants silllyyyy, funnny, hornyyy
questions. hahahahah. hilarious lahhhh.
the foood was uhmmm yum? haha, well cause my dad chose VEGETARIAN.
tsk tsk .. -.- and i had be a vegetarian for the night.
and everyone had champange in the endddddd. yeaaahh babyyy.
haha, i dnt regret going(duh!) . cause in the first place, i was hesistant to go,
i mean adults there eehhhhh but haha i was wrong. there were kids
and a lil bit of teenagers.
soooo, i pretty much elaborated what happened tonight. lolllll.
the host's jokes are pretty much still in my head. hahaha. (:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
awwww. reggy has left and surely is in phil now.
im super envious of her. -.- lolll, she smsed which was
a few hours ago. k soooooooooo,
i stayed at home the whole day today! yay .. not! did
some housework :D and tried to revise A-maths, instead
ended up reading A book. watch some movies, dvd lah k.
and basically thats what i've been doing the whole dayyyy.
and ohh, tmr im going with my dad to his company's dinner
and dance at Shangri-la. And they have a dress code, its
like those spanish dresses etc .. but i'll just be wearing a simple
dress. Dad wanted to help me find one but i was kinda lazyyyy
to go out. heeeeh. it was raining just now and i was craving for
chocolate! (: looking at the weather, i wanted to go out and enjoy
the cool cool breeze but at the same time, i wanted to stay at home
and chilllll.
i wish i cld hve been in Phil at times like these. I would have been
probably sitting out and savouring it all.
sometimes, i hate being stuck in a building. :C
Christmas is nearing and i dont feel the Christmas Spirit even with
all the lightings along Orchard road. I hate to say these, but the
X'mas Tress isnt up yet! D: yes, yes .. i know .. like "what the heck?!"
thats when mom is really needed arnd. Dad has been pretty busy
with work and so, dont hve much time to go shopping, prolly nxt
week, hopefully. But wait till, SB .. haha, i'll probably be feeling it arnd
that time. ((((:
and ah, im happy happy! I've received my mom's Christmas presents,
imported from Phil okayyyyy. hahaa. BUT BUT BUT I cant fit in
with the shirts my mom gave me. Its like so smallll and tight for me. D:
maybe, my mom shld have sent me $$$ instead, :D
heh, i suddenly miss my mom, jubelyn and Gretchel! tsk. and aha, i have
news! .. lollll. J and G wanna come back to S'pore. lolllll. esp Gretchel. Everytime,
i speak on the phone with her, she would be like :
G: ate kit! i miss you! when you coming?
me: haha, miss you too! oh oh, soon. really soon.
G: then why are you tking so long? *whines*
me: yah yah, sooon. you tok to daddy k.
*passes the phone to dad*
G: daddy! you coming night time or morning time?
dad: hahahaha!
or sometimes, she'll be "when you picking me up? i miss
awwww, lil sis misses me and S'pore! (: hahahah.
omg, i think i gain weight like uhohhh! i cant fit into some of my
clothes. -.- dad thinks its because im eating too much bread. like
hahaha. but yah really, i think so too. Trust my dad to make so
much bread cause he bought this breadmaker few months ago
and the bread really taste goood. hmmm ..
i feel so jumpy. my topics are all random and is jumping from here
to there. I feel like using the computer all night. maybe watch
miss no good since i wont be able to catch it tmr. heeh. good idea. (:
think i shld head off now before i start toking retarded/rubbish stuffs
because im really feeling weird/idntknoe/idntknow/idntnoe.
bye he! (:
im super envious of her. -.- lolll, she smsed which was
a few hours ago. k soooooooooo,
i stayed at home the whole day today! yay .. not! did
some housework :D and tried to revise A-maths, instead
ended up reading A book. watch some movies, dvd lah k.
and basically thats what i've been doing the whole dayyyy.
and ohh, tmr im going with my dad to his company's dinner
and dance at Shangri-la. And they have a dress code, its
like those spanish dresses etc .. but i'll just be wearing a simple
dress. Dad wanted to help me find one but i was kinda lazyyyy
to go out. heeeeh. it was raining just now and i was craving for
chocolate! (: looking at the weather, i wanted to go out and enjoy
the cool cool breeze but at the same time, i wanted to stay at home
and chilllll.
i wish i cld hve been in Phil at times like these. I would have been
probably sitting out and savouring it all.
sometimes, i hate being stuck in a building. :C
Christmas is nearing and i dont feel the Christmas Spirit even with
all the lightings along Orchard road. I hate to say these, but the
X'mas Tress isnt up yet! D: yes, yes .. i know .. like "what the heck?!"
thats when mom is really needed arnd. Dad has been pretty busy
with work and so, dont hve much time to go shopping, prolly nxt
week, hopefully. But wait till, SB .. haha, i'll probably be feeling it arnd
that time. ((((:
and ah, im happy happy! I've received my mom's Christmas presents,
imported from Phil okayyyyy. hahaa. BUT BUT BUT I cant fit in
with the shirts my mom gave me. Its like so smallll and tight for me. D:
maybe, my mom shld have sent me $$$ instead, :D
heh, i suddenly miss my mom, jubelyn and Gretchel! tsk. and aha, i have
news! .. lollll. J and G wanna come back to S'pore. lolllll. esp Gretchel. Everytime,
i speak on the phone with her, she would be like :
G: ate kit! i miss you! when you coming?
me: haha, miss you too! oh oh, soon. really soon.
G: then why are you tking so long? *whines*
me: yah yah, sooon. you tok to daddy k.
*passes the phone to dad*
G: daddy! you coming night time or morning time?
dad: hahahaha!
or sometimes, she'll be "when you picking me up? i miss
awwww, lil sis misses me and S'pore! (: hahahah.
omg, i think i gain weight like uhohhh! i cant fit into some of my
clothes. -.- dad thinks its because im eating too much bread. like
hahaha. but yah really, i think so too. Trust my dad to make so
much bread cause he bought this breadmaker few months ago
and the bread really taste goood. hmmm ..
i feel so jumpy. my topics are all random and is jumping from here
to there. I feel like using the computer all night. maybe watch
miss no good since i wont be able to catch it tmr. heeh. good idea. (:
think i shld head off now before i start toking retarded/rubbish stuffs
because im really feeling weird/idntknoe/idntknow/idntnoe.
bye he! (:
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
i decided to delete my previous post.
felt so bad about it though i was just expressing
some anger. But like i said, i dnt bear grudges.
heeh. (:
i had plans today. i had. My plan was to meet reggy at 12pm
and then head home to change and go out with renee and maybe
yimling. yeaaah.
so well, yes. I meet reg at Bt Gombak, cause she had to go and
buy medicine for her brother. Aft which, we decided to hang out
in Little Guilin. We ended up climbing the rocks and cam-whore.
heeeh, it was funny and sweaty. I was feeling ready to head home
when my stupid cramps attacked me. ughhhh! I felt tired/sleepy
and became ... moodless? haha, is there such words? so anw, i smsed
renee to cancel our outing because i din want my cramps to get into
our way when we are having fun and kill my happy mood. Sat one corner
to rest for awhile cause i was in pain. tskkkk. and reg was in the mood
for cam-whoring. haha.
i still feel bad for cancelling our outing though. But, blame it on the cramps.
ever since i reached home, i've been in my bed, lying down and looking so
emotional but hah, no. i was just stoning and was hugging my pillow tight. loll.
so you see, i spent hours on bed today, totally doing nothing but spacing out,
listening to music and trying to sleep.
thats the effects of my stupid cramps.
Reggy is leaving tmr! awwwww. She's gonna have fun in PHIL. really.
her first x'mas and new year. haha. i rmb my last x'mas in phil. it was
totally enjoyable with all the fireworks, boom boom boom. and the
screaming and cheers and greetings from my cousins and neighbours,
all those were like, EIGHT years ago. -.-' which is why, im so keen to
celebrate x'mas there this yr or whichever yr but sadly, no. but anw,
i'll be gng for SB with teody and angel and maybe some other ppl. yay.
plus my sibs lah. [:
ytd, i was s'ppose to spend the afternoon with reggy but she
woke up late .. and we decided to just head down to westmall
to return our library books and we tagged along our brothers. hahah.
we were like reading mags in the lib while our brothers were in
timezone playing "bang! bang! bang!" haha, thats how reggy brother
call the timezone. haha cute. so we din get to do much catching ups
which is why we met up earlier. haha.
anw, today was our last outing for this year. awwwwww.
im gonna missss reginamaesalibiogorada! She wont be with me on
the first day of school. how sad is that? and not to forget, our first
pastoral attachment too. tsk. HAPPPYYY TRIPPPPP REGGY!
MOMENT! and when hot juicy stuffs comes up, please dont call
me saying " omg, just nw sth happened! im busy now and i've got
no load so bye " DONT do that. your gonna kill me with all those
suspense. haha, so CALL ME OKAY? lollll.
gonna misszxzxzxx yazxzxz! :DDD
i feel like crawling back to bed. :/but hah no no no, im gonna go
switch on my tv and catch miss no good.
so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
i decided to delete my previous post.
felt so bad about it though i was just expressing
some anger. But like i said, i dnt bear grudges.
heeh. (:
i had plans today. i had. My plan was to meet reggy at 12pm
and then head home to change and go out with renee and maybe
yimling. yeaaah.
so well, yes. I meet reg at Bt Gombak, cause she had to go and
buy medicine for her brother. Aft which, we decided to hang out
in Little Guilin. We ended up climbing the rocks and cam-whore.
heeeh, it was funny and sweaty. I was feeling ready to head home
when my stupid cramps attacked me. ughhhh! I felt tired/sleepy
and became ... moodless? haha, is there such words? so anw, i smsed
renee to cancel our outing because i din want my cramps to get into
our way when we are having fun and kill my happy mood. Sat one corner
to rest for awhile cause i was in pain. tskkkk. and reg was in the mood
for cam-whoring. haha.
i still feel bad for cancelling our outing though. But, blame it on the cramps.
ever since i reached home, i've been in my bed, lying down and looking so
emotional but hah, no. i was just stoning and was hugging my pillow tight. loll.
so you see, i spent hours on bed today, totally doing nothing but spacing out,
listening to music and trying to sleep.
thats the effects of my stupid cramps.
Reggy is leaving tmr! awwwww. She's gonna have fun in PHIL. really.
her first x'mas and new year. haha. i rmb my last x'mas in phil. it was
totally enjoyable with all the fireworks, boom boom boom. and the
screaming and cheers and greetings from my cousins and neighbours,
all those were like, EIGHT years ago. -.-' which is why, im so keen to
celebrate x'mas there this yr or whichever yr but sadly, no. but anw,
i'll be gng for SB with teody and angel and maybe some other ppl. yay.
plus my sibs lah. [:
ytd, i was s'ppose to spend the afternoon with reggy but she
woke up late .. and we decided to just head down to westmall
to return our library books and we tagged along our brothers. hahah.
we were like reading mags in the lib while our brothers were in
timezone playing "bang! bang! bang!" haha, thats how reggy brother
call the timezone. haha cute. so we din get to do much catching ups
which is why we met up earlier. haha.
anw, today was our last outing for this year. awwwwww.
im gonna missss reginamaesalibiogorada! She wont be with me on
the first day of school. how sad is that? and not to forget, our first
pastoral attachment too. tsk. HAPPPYYY TRIPPPPP REGGY!
MOMENT! and when hot juicy stuffs comes up, please dont call
me saying " omg, just nw sth happened! im busy now and i've got
no load so bye " DONT do that. your gonna kill me with all those
suspense. haha, so CALL ME OKAY? lollll.
gonna misszxzxzxx yazxzxz! :DDD
i feel like crawling back to bed. :/but hah no no no, im gonna go
switch on my tv and catch miss no good.
so byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Out with reg and bro on wednesday. It was lolllll.
Bro was forced to follow me. haahaha.
On the way home, reg and my bro were pretty nosiy
cause they were playing some hp games and reg was
practically hitting my bro. hahahaha. I guess thats
the way they bond. haha.
Ytd, CAC X'mas Partyyyyy. It was urrhhh okayyyy,
pretty weasy plain ehhhhh. :/ Dinner was like full
of junkzxzx food, so unhealthy can? Aft awhile, people
were sprawling on the dancefloor. It was funnny. haha.
I was like eating potato chips, watching them and feeling
toot colddddd. Four aircons and 16 degress each. -.-
Most of the night was spent with ann, walking arnd ..
in and out. lollll.
and i was pretty weasy feeling exhausted at that point
of time. Earlier, Me and bro were on the way to Bishan
to meet our relatives from Phil and we had to take some
stuffs my mom send us from them. Upon arriving Bishan,
we called them and they were like in Jurong Bird Park,
like WTH. So we continued our journey to Great World City
to meet my mom's friend, Tita Gina who is migrating to
CANADA .. Canada again eh? then blahhhhhhh.
and Reggy was MIA. She bail out at the eleventh hour. -.-' ...
wooh ho, I just realised something .. for CAC X'mas Party 2006,
me and mariel were absent. 2007, me and aly went for like
what? only 15-30 mins and we left for SB so reg was left alone
and this year? heh, i was alone. No bffs present. haha dot.
Bro was forced to follow me. haahaha.
On the way home, reg and my bro were pretty nosiy
cause they were playing some hp games and reg was
practically hitting my bro. hahahaha. I guess thats
the way they bond. haha.
Ytd, CAC X'mas Partyyyyy. It was urrhhh okayyyy,
pretty weasy plain ehhhhh. :/ Dinner was like full
of junkzxzx food, so unhealthy can? Aft awhile, people
were sprawling on the dancefloor. It was funnny. haha.
I was like eating potato chips, watching them and feeling
toot colddddd. Four aircons and 16 degress each. -.-
Most of the night was spent with ann, walking arnd ..
in and out. lollll.
and i was pretty weasy feeling exhausted at that point
of time. Earlier, Me and bro were on the way to Bishan
to meet our relatives from Phil and we had to take some
stuffs my mom send us from them. Upon arriving Bishan,
we called them and they were like in Jurong Bird Park,
like WTH. So we continued our journey to Great World City
to meet my mom's friend, Tita Gina who is migrating to
CANADA .. Canada again eh? then blahhhhhhh.
and Reggy was MIA. She bail out at the eleventh hour. -.-' ...
wooh ho, I just realised something .. for CAC X'mas Party 2006,
me and mariel were absent. 2007, me and aly went for like
what? only 15-30 mins and we left for SB so reg was left alone
and this year? heh, i was alone. No bffs present. haha dot.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Its Dec now babehhh, Christmas is almost here! :D
howeverrrr, im predicting that x'mas is gonna be
boo-oh-ring. tskkk. arghhhhhh. think postive ..
even Simbang Gabi .. no one to go withh! }:
sister's gonna be workingg and mom and lil sissys
are in the phil. gahhhh. First x'mas without mom
and lil sissys i guess? imagine .. how boring its gonna be.
I've been reading my old posts like .. in DEC '06 & '07.
hahaha yeah, those good ol' SB days. 2006 was with
Mariel's family and then, they migrated .. 2007 was
with Alyy's fam and then, they migrated .. tsk?!
hahaha. Looking backk, it was so so fun. heeeh. We
would reserve seats for one another and then go food
grabbing esp with mariel! lollllll. And we would sms each
other to update where we were and to hurry up cause it
was so paisehhh, reserving one whole row of seats. hahaaha!
and then, there was this post .. and i rmb .. me, aly and reg's
first time ever, watching a movie tgth. hahaha. I rmb me
going the wrong way and aly thinking that the advertisement
board was the door and there were less than 10 ppl in the
cine and reg laughing like an idiot for dunno-whad-reason
and she, sitting like its her own home and almost kick
someone's head. LOL, it was rlly full of craps. And that movie
was Bratz. (ithinkso) hahaaha. i miss those timessss.
okay, so i wont "talk" now. Gonna post pics uppp and downnn.

lolll, our heads missing.

okay, those above are @ marina barrage.

reggy and her sibs.

Alvin's & Justin's Holy Communion.
nxt, AES Open House.

@ Hort Parkkk.

okay, so i think thats kinda lot of pic.
its pretty lonely thinking ders only me and reg
left .. without aly and mariel. .. }=
like hanging out and etcetc. But we still
have funnnn, haha [:
kay so that was pretty random of me.
niway, i love this blogskin. Its simple
and neat. I had a hard time looking for
skins like this k. cause most of it
were like .. idk?
k, bye. Having sme plans these week.
dnt wanna mention it or else it'll
get jinx. lollll, am i making any
and reggy's leaving for in pinas in a few
days time. danggggggg.
Its Dec now babehhh, Christmas is almost here! :D
howeverrrr, im predicting that x'mas is gonna be
boo-oh-ring. tskkk. arghhhhhh. think postive ..
even Simbang Gabi .. no one to go withh! }:
sister's gonna be workingg and mom and lil sissys
are in the phil. gahhhh. First x'mas without mom
and lil sissys i guess? imagine .. how boring its gonna be.
I've been reading my old posts like .. in DEC '06 & '07.
hahaha yeah, those good ol' SB days. 2006 was with
Mariel's family and then, they migrated .. 2007 was
with Alyy's fam and then, they migrated .. tsk?!
hahaha. Looking backk, it was so so fun. heeeh. We
would reserve seats for one another and then go food
grabbing esp with mariel! lollllll. And we would sms each
other to update where we were and to hurry up cause it
was so paisehhh, reserving one whole row of seats. hahaaha!
and then, there was this post .. and i rmb .. me, aly and reg's
first time ever, watching a movie tgth. hahaha. I rmb me
going the wrong way and aly thinking that the advertisement
board was the door and there were less than 10 ppl in the
cine and reg laughing like an idiot for dunno-whad-reason
and she, sitting like its her own home and almost kick
someone's head. LOL, it was rlly full of craps. And that movie
was Bratz. (ithinkso) hahaaha. i miss those timessss.
okay, so i wont "talk" now. Gonna post pics uppp and downnn.
lolll, our heads missing.
okay, those above are @ marina barrage.
reggy and her sibs.
Alvin's & Justin's Holy Communion.
nxt, AES Open House.
@ Hort Parkkk.
okay, so i think thats kinda lot of pic.
its pretty lonely thinking ders only me and reg
left .. without aly and mariel. .. }=
like hanging out and etcetc. But we still
have funnnn, haha [:
kay so that was pretty random of me.
niway, i love this blogskin. Its simple
and neat. I had a hard time looking for
skins like this k. cause most of it
were like .. idk?
k, bye. Having sme plans these week.
dnt wanna mention it or else it'll
get jinx. lollll, am i making any
and reggy's leaving for in pinas in a few
days time. danggggggg.
Quiz by le-gi-na (Regina, la!) heeh. (:
1)The person who tagged you is?
2)Your relationship with him/her?
my bestfriend (:
3)Your 5 impressions of her/him?
retarded/blur/funny/irritating/helpful :D
4)The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
twoyrs of friendship is pretty long .. - alot, cant count em.
5)The most memorable thing she/he had said to you?
Its in the letter ... :D
6)If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?
lover? maybe .. NOT. EW! never will happen.
7)If she/he becomes your enemy, you will?
beg on her knees? severe ties with her? but naaaah,
never will happen, kaaaaayyy. (cant imagine it though)
8)What is it you want to tell him/her now?
Dont migrate, please. (if you are gng to)
9)Your overall impression of her/him is?
assurance. (sp?)
10)How do u think people around you will feel around you?
dnt know. hw abt asking them?
11)Characters you love of yourself are?
idntknow .. accepting me, myself and I.
12)On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are?
i dnt hate it, those are just my negative.
its part of being me.
13)The most ideal person you want to be is?
lolllllll .. havent figured it out yet ..
14)For people that care and like you, say something to them.
15)Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you.
only want ONE person and thats y0u, Alyanna F N Bulao! =D
soooo .. i shall stop the quiz here .. not gonna go on with part2. hahaha,
lazy much? im gonna go off now and open up my lovely school books.
Quiz by le-gi-na (Regina, la!) heeh. (:
1)The person who tagged you is?
2)Your relationship with him/her?
my bestfriend (:
3)Your 5 impressions of her/him?
retarded/blur/funny/irritating/helpful :D
4)The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
twoyrs of friendship is pretty long .. - alot, cant count em.
5)The most memorable thing she/he had said to you?
Its in the letter ... :D
6)If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?
lover? maybe .. NOT. EW! never will happen.
7)If she/he becomes your enemy, you will?
beg on her knees? severe ties with her? but naaaah,
never will happen, kaaaaayyy. (cant imagine it though)
8)What is it you want to tell him/her now?
Dont migrate, please. (if you are gng to)
9)Your overall impression of her/him is?
assurance. (sp?)
10)How do u think people around you will feel around you?
dnt know. hw abt asking them?
11)Characters you love of yourself are?
idntknow .. accepting me, myself and I.
12)On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are?
i dnt hate it, those are just my negative.
its part of being me.
13)The most ideal person you want to be is?
lolllllll .. havent figured it out yet ..
14)For people that care and like you, say something to them.
15)Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you.
only want ONE person and thats y0u, Alyanna F N Bulao! =D
soooo .. i shall stop the quiz here .. not gonna go on with part2. hahaha,
lazy much? im gonna go off now and open up my lovely school books.
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