Monday, May 19, 2008

Hello jello!
(being random)

soooooooo, my weekends have been enjoyable.. Family Outings. (:
haha yeah, it has been filled with that. Saturday went to Botanic Gardens
and so-called picnic at the big ground. Played frisbee, volleyball and soccer
with my siblings. haha. fun lah, brother kept talking crap stuff and i joined
him. Parents made friends with some pinoy family too and i met some
friends of my cousin. mwaha. Sunday (ytd) went to Orchard for shopping!!
lol, mostly dad accompanied me and sis to shop, bought shorts and shirts
and stuffs. Mom had to like go somewhere. so yeah, thats about it.

Today's a public holiday, Vesak Day.
Family planning to go out again, -.- i dont know. Im feeling kind of lazy
but heyyy holiday's are almost here sooo its time to jalan jalan. :D

okay bye, pictures soon. Lazy to upload :P

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