I cant believe im still blogging at this time when i still have
alot of things to do. like alottt. I think im gonna hate mondays.
Mondays are gonna suck for me. Just wait and seee.
Currently still have a-maths, e-maths and chemistry hmewrk
undone. But i dont reallyy care cause atleast i studied for chem and
a-maths test tmr though a-maths is like tskkkkkkk. dont wanna say
anything abt it, i just plainly sucked in maths but smehow sometimes,
i survived. HAHA. gawdddddd. atleast im done with SS essay, thank God
for that.
today, went for Cathecism. My first day laaah okayyy.
and i went into grp 7. Michelle's grp. hahah. was okay/fine.
after cath class, went to eat at macs with thomas, mari and
mae. LOL. went to regina's house, we were like supposed to
do essay hmewrk, ended up using the com for other stuffs. haha.
cam-whored outside before i left and it was retarded, as always.
bye for now. Im actually in a hurry, thats why i aint elaborating that
much. came into conclusion that today was fuun. hahah.
pictures, some other time. gonna be busy this weeek.
going for secthreecamp.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
i'm feeling tired now, so the pictures are gonna do most
of the talking.
let me start off with last week's outing.
hehe, me and reg went to Jurong Point where we cam-whored
in the double decker bus. (:
who else is this? but regina, duhh. (:
i love this.
okay so today, we went to JLP!! hehe, even though the
weather was kinda hot, i think me and reg enjoyed there.
we practically climb here and there and 'doodle' on our
stuffs there. heheeeh. On the way to the bus stop, regina
wanted to take the shorter route and we ended up walking
through the uneven and overgrown grasses and we kept
screaming and laughing abt how stupid we were. hahaha!
went to jurong point, ate our lunch in Macs and we went
window shopping. We went inside the sports shop and we fooled
with the items inside. hahahaah. went inside the CD shop and
both of us were like browsing around anddddd ... i picked one
cd and she picked one and we wanted to show each other and
ended up showing each other the same kind. hahaha.
and to our favourite part ... waiting for the double decker bus!
it was either bus 174 or 157. reg at first din want to queue coz
whichever comes first, we'll take it but i was feeling super
confident that 174 will come first plus i wanted to seat okay!
so we queued and each time we see a double decker coming,
we'll be like pulling and squeezing each other's shirt. regina's
more worst .. pulled my skirt. -.- hahahah. we got so like
tense over it, i know. hahaha. but reallly, it's so fun being that
way. well, in the end .. 157 came first and reg was like
kaaaaat, ahhhhhh! lol? but anyway it was a happy ending for us
cause 174 turned out to become double decker . so it was a
win-win situation. hahaha.
time for pictures.

from four down to three to TWO. D:

weather was kinda hot, i think me and reg enjoyed there.
we practically climb here and there and 'doodle' on our
stuffs there. heheeeh. On the way to the bus stop, regina
wanted to take the shorter route and we ended up walking
through the uneven and overgrown grasses and we kept
screaming and laughing abt how stupid we were. hahaha!
went to jurong point, ate our lunch in Macs and we went
window shopping. We went inside the sports shop and we fooled
with the items inside. hahahaah. went inside the CD shop and
both of us were like browsing around anddddd ... i picked one
cd and she picked one and we wanted to show each other and
ended up showing each other the same kind. hahaha.
and to our favourite part ... waiting for the double decker bus!
it was either bus 174 or 157. reg at first din want to queue coz
whichever comes first, we'll take it but i was feeling super
confident that 174 will come first plus i wanted to seat okay!
so we queued and each time we see a double decker coming,
we'll be like pulling and squeezing each other's shirt. regina's
more worst .. pulled my skirt. -.- hahahah. we got so like
tense over it, i know. hahaha. but reallly, it's so fun being that
way. well, in the end .. 157 came first and reg was like
kaaaaat, ahhhhhh! lol? but anyway it was a happy ending for us
cause 174 turned out to become double decker . so it was a
win-win situation. hahaha.
time for pictures.

from four down to three to TWO. D:

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
omggg. school this day has beeen ... sigh.
yesterday was like uhh test day? and it was a bad dayy for me, seriously.
you'll see why. For physics, we had test. A-maths,English and Chemistry
period we got our test back. my results are just as bad as it can be, cause
i failed. yes FAILED. Buuut i think im not alone, coz alot of my classmates
failed too, Lol. ahhhhhh. everything was so bad except for class-photo
taking, hahahha. I sat on the first row and i felt so uneasy coz im use to
standing up. But niway, it was fuuun. :D
and ohhh, to aly and mariel ..

ta-daaaaaa! hahaha. According to regina, kuya kevin found this
picture in SC room and passed it to reg and me and i scanned it.
hahha. zomggg, i miss miss this!! this was like so sec 1, in Safra
yishun. I rmb we were like the only sec 1's plus john and moses
and this adventure was supposed to be only for sec 2's but
there were some extra forms and we got the forms. ((:
heeeeeh, and i rmb my partner was mariel. Andd during the
canopy walk, we screamed cause the instrutors were trying
to make us fall. LOL. I miss those!
but anyway i uploaded this pic in friendster so they'll
probably see this pict there. hahaha. :DDD
omggg. school this day has beeen ... sigh.
yesterday was like uhh test day? and it was a bad dayy for me, seriously.
you'll see why. For physics, we had test. A-maths,English and Chemistry
period we got our test back. my results are just as bad as it can be, cause
i failed. yes FAILED. Buuut i think im not alone, coz alot of my classmates
failed too, Lol. ahhhhhh. everything was so bad except for class-photo
taking, hahahha. I sat on the first row and i felt so uneasy coz im use to
standing up. But niway, it was fuuun. :D
and ohhh, to aly and mariel ..

ta-daaaaaa! hahaha. According to regina, kuya kevin found this
picture in SC room and passed it to reg and me and i scanned it.
hahha. zomggg, i miss miss this!! this was like so sec 1, in Safra
yishun. I rmb we were like the only sec 1's plus john and moses
and this adventure was supposed to be only for sec 2's but
there were some extra forms and we got the forms. ((:
heeeeeh, and i rmb my partner was mariel. Andd during the
canopy walk, we screamed cause the instrutors were trying
to make us fall. LOL. I miss those!
but anyway i uploaded this pic in friendster so they'll
probably see this pict there. hahaha. :DDD
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Today was the SINGAPORE RECORD BREAKING thing!!! uhh its
also the BID FOR YOUTH OLYMPIC. hahaha. weiwei carried me.
she said i was light but after awhile, i'll suddenly become heavyyy.
hahah. well duuh, i've got big bones. Sucha slack day today. e-maths,
all we did was two questions of the handout and physics was in the
library which i did not give my fullest attention to Mr Leow.
confirm, his test this monday, i'll fail. for sure!
pity him. tsskk. cause i was having a chitchatting session with john
and a lil bit with chester.
after school, went out with regina. its our so-called valentine outing
since ytd we din have a proper outing and her valentine was busy
jamming. haiyohhh. wanted to go JURONG LAKE PARK buuut it was
hot so went to Jurong Point and end up watching Ah Long Pte Ltd,
its sooooooo funnnyyy. regina was really laughing HARD and LOUD.
hahaha. but atleast it's not worse than the one more chance movie. LOL!
and ohohoh, i like the shirt the sch gave us for the event today.
haha so random. and i forgot to add .. -
we cam-whored in the double decker bus like shyttttt. so so so hilarious!
i love to ride double decker buses. :DDDD
also the BID FOR YOUTH OLYMPIC. hahaha. weiwei carried me.
she said i was light but after awhile, i'll suddenly become heavyyy.
hahah. well duuh, i've got big bones. Sucha slack day today. e-maths,
all we did was two questions of the handout and physics was in the
library which i did not give my fullest attention to Mr Leow.
confirm, his test this monday, i'll fail. for sure!
pity him. tsskk. cause i was having a chitchatting session with john
and a lil bit with chester.
after school, went out with regina. its our so-called valentine outing
since ytd we din have a proper outing and her valentine was busy
jamming. haiyohhh. wanted to go JURONG LAKE PARK buuut it was
hot so went to Jurong Point and end up watching Ah Long Pte Ltd,
its sooooooo funnnyyy. regina was really laughing HARD and LOUD.
hahaha. but atleast it's not worse than the one more chance movie. LOL!
and ohohoh, i like the shirt the sch gave us for the event today.
haha so random. and i forgot to add .. -
we cam-whored in the double decker bus like shyttttt. so so so hilarious!
i love to ride double decker buses. :DDDD
Friday, February 08, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008

anddd off she goes to another place. In the airport just now
was like so heartbreaking laaah. everyone was practically
crying even the adults and family friends. while walking to
the departure area there, we played the song wherever
you will go, from there we started crying. funny thing was
while we were crying. me,reg and john kinda avoided aly for awhile.
super heartbreaking laaaaaaaaaaaaah.
shyttt laaah. all my bestfriends are always migrating and
like there's only regina left? lol.
hi reeeeeeg, if your reading this now. hahah!
i miss her terribly already, hope she like what we gave her
and speaking of that, i miss mariel too! another one! tsskk.
well, there's always a thing called webcaming and msn.
omgomgomg. im here na! in the airport.
no no, i aint flying anywhere. it's alyanna.
she's migrating to Canada. ): but i guess
its okay. she's going to be mariel's province
neighbour as to what john says.
we are promising each other not to cry.
lol? cant help it.
okay, i gtg.
i'm gonna missss her a thousand loads!
omgomgomg. im here na! in the airport.
no no, i aint flying anywhere. it's alyanna.
she's migrating to Canada. ): but i guess
its okay. she's going to be mariel's province
neighbour as to what john says.
we are promising each other not to cry.
lol? cant help it.
okay, i gtg.
i'm gonna missss her a thousand loads!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
im in regina's house now, making something for
someone special to the both of us. hahah.
yesterday, went for ash wednesday mass in church.
sat with john. reg was like sick so yeah. went home
with the primary school/family friends. lol.
today was CNY celebration which was okay. kinda
boring :l so skip that. in the morning went to AVT for
the ash wednesday mass again. l0l. so i went two times.
after celebration, went to KAP and thomas,john and rakesh
came to meet us. chatted with them and rakesh has like
grown taller, wow.
so here i am in regina's house. (:
omgomgomg. ):
waking up early tmr. going to leave hse at 5.30am.
maybe i'll be taking taxi. oh nooo.
im in regina's house now, making something for
someone special to the both of us. hahah.
yesterday, went for ash wednesday mass in church.
sat with john. reg was like sick so yeah. went home
with the primary school/family friends. lol.
today was CNY celebration which was okay. kinda
boring :l so skip that. in the morning went to AVT for
the ash wednesday mass again. l0l. so i went two times.
after celebration, went to KAP and thomas,john and rakesh
came to meet us. chatted with them and rakesh has like
grown taller, wow.
so here i am in regina's house. (:
omgomgomg. ):
waking up early tmr. going to leave hse at 5.30am.
maybe i'll be taking taxi. oh nooo.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
you know what? 2 MORE DAYS!!!-
okay, so its like close to ONE more day since its almost midnight.
dammm. today, had like chemistry and a-maths test. im so so gonna
flunk a-maths. its like i completely black out when i saw the
questions. grrrr. buuut chem was kinda oookayy. heh.
so nothing much in school today.
tmr's chinese new year celebration. weee?
and oh. i would like to blog abt last sunday. hahah.
went to jurong point to get our friendship wallets.
with aly and reg, Duhh! we had chitchatting session in
KFC and in the bus. lol. theeeen went to CSC to meet
the guys (john,josh&kyle) to play bowling since they said
that it was their treat. then blahblah. after which, went
to kyle's place for partyyy. hahahh. had girl-talk (which
could be our last) then blahblah. okay im getting lazy to
elaborate so to summarise the whole thing, it was fun!
aly was like this close to crying. hayyyyyy. special day eh?
and cam-whoring was hilarious. hahahah!
im getting sleeepyyy.
okay, so its like close to ONE more day since its almost midnight.
dammm. today, had like chemistry and a-maths test. im so so gonna
flunk a-maths. its like i completely black out when i saw the
questions. grrrr. buuut chem was kinda oookayy. heh.
so nothing much in school today.
tmr's chinese new year celebration. weee?
and oh. i would like to blog abt last sunday. hahah.
went to jurong point to get our friendship wallets.
with aly and reg, Duhh! we had chitchatting session in
KFC and in the bus. lol. theeeen went to CSC to meet
the guys (john,josh&kyle) to play bowling since they said
that it was their treat. then blahblah. after which, went
to kyle's place for partyyy. hahahh. had girl-talk (which
could be our last) then blahblah. okay im getting lazy to
elaborate so to summarise the whole thing, it was fun!
aly was like this close to crying. hayyyyyy. special day eh?
and cam-whoring was hilarious. hahahah!
im getting sleeepyyy.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Yesterday was FUN! It was the school's cross country.. (:
went running and earned me into the 6th position. blahblah.
improved back, last year got into 12th. lol? after the cross-country,
the whole school still had the piggy-back rehearsal. must be so sian right?
but it wasnt. it was like so so oh so funnnyy. hahaha. I got carried by
weiwei and we just have to walk 6m, which like so near. Sang the
school song and for the first time (i think) ,the whole school sang
really loudly like the whole lyrics and not just the chorus. hahah!
afterwards, went out with regina and john (as usual ) three of us has
been like hanging out ever since idontknowwhen. atleast its better
there's still three and not just me and reg considering the our dearest
alyanna is leaving. (6moredays!)
back to the topic. sooo went out and din know where to go so we
did our usual solution if we cant decide-
thefirstbuscomesandoffwegoanywhere game/solution.
178 came first to the bus stop and so off we went to jurong point.
just basically walked around and we fooled in toys 'r' us. hahah!
later, it was still early so we went to john's house and played
boardgames and talk some crap stuff. Lol.
about school- argghhh. so many homeworks and tests and blahblah.
what do you expect anyway?
but i think i can cope. hahah. (:
Yesterday was FUN! It was the school's cross country.. (:
went running and earned me into the 6th position. blahblah.
improved back, last year got into 12th. lol? after the cross-country,
the whole school still had the piggy-back rehearsal. must be so sian right?
but it wasnt. it was like so so oh so funnnyy. hahaha. I got carried by
weiwei and we just have to walk 6m, which like so near. Sang the
school song and for the first time (i think) ,the whole school sang
really loudly like the whole lyrics and not just the chorus. hahah!
afterwards, went out with regina and john (as usual ) three of us has
been like hanging out ever since idontknowwhen. atleast its better
there's still three and not just me and reg considering the our dearest
alyanna is leaving. (6moredays!)
back to the topic. sooo went out and din know where to go so we
did our usual solution if we cant decide-
thefirstbuscomesandoffwegoanywhere game/solution.
178 came first to the bus stop and so off we went to jurong point.
just basically walked around and we fooled in toys 'r' us. hahah!
later, it was still early so we went to john's house and played
boardgames and talk some crap stuff. Lol.
about school- argghhh. so many homeworks and tests and blahblah.
what do you expect anyway?
but i think i can cope. hahah. (:
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