Me and reg were supposed to go for bowling but
due to her SC meeting, we decided to go on Wednesday.
And theen since we were so-called free, we decided to go
for the interview of the Japanese Exchange Programme.. (:
After which, aly went for her floorball pract.
Reg then decided to 'walk walk' around and her 'walk walk'
around ended the both of us walking all the way from school
to keming primary, somewhere near reg's house, yeah believe it or not,
for 1hr 10mins :D then got one retarded/scary thing
happened to us, haha .. i lazy elaborate xD
Had a class trip and we went to Bukit Batok Home for the Aged.
omg, it was fun alright. (: our performance were so messsy, but
still in the end, the old folks enjoyed everything :D
and my class were so emotional especially when we were
leaving ... wooh. so sad if you hear their stories :x
we dance and sing with old folks and we made Mr Eddie and
Ms Linna sing, haha :D Faris also danced with one of the uncle
was soo .... retarded. hahah! -.-
Nothing much on this day.
Me and reg went for bowling pract and usual it was fun. Crapped with people arnd.
I did not play coz i was having cramps. -.-
haha, and me and reg always steals satishpal's
french fries xD ..
Today, went to walked all the way from school to
Bt. Batok Central again with reg and aly, haha
the three of us :D so fuuny. we did alot of retarded
stuff on the waaay (: and the walk took us
1hr 15mins. It's so fun walking okay even though
it was kinda hot and no wind unlike the other day.
haha :D
Okay pics time (:

while me and reg were walking on monday :D

class practicing for the old folk performance.

people dancing and singing :D

the old folks, im not sure if the guy in black belongs
to the old folk or maybe he's just a caretaker? :X
so yeah, thats all for the pic, there are still actually many
more pictures but they are in kim's phone so yah.
got to run now.
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