yah hiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!
been gone for too long....? .... YOU BET! =P
haha kk. its June alry lah.
I couldnt sleep & alott of things were running in my head like whatheshit.
& i thought of my blog. hahaha. so, decided to come online & blog since
i cant sleep & i dnt think im suffering from insomia shyt. hmm ... yeap dont think so.
k anw .. ahhh
how am i gnna update this? okayyyyyyyyyy, anywayyyyyyyyy let me just start off from my previous post.
CONFIRMATION DAYYYYYYYYYY:awesomefabulousamazing! ah i think i exaggerated it. LOL.
i love the smell of the oil! haha. uhmmm.
we took pictures/waited for hour +/stood/waited/mass started/
holy spirit etc && then finally we got confirmed! YAYYYYY!
after mass was crowded/so much people/ saw friends from sch
like timothy loh/rainer/faris (haha, he came to see someone aheem)/
endy/hilary/dawn/ & many more arh. ate at some buffet restaurant
afterwards with family obviously. /yummmy foood!
home & felt greatttt! :D pics are @ fb. =p
two days later came the month of JUNE.
wheeeee, party time- holidayyyy NOT.
let me just summarise the past few weeks, wat have i been doing
& all .. nothing much anyway.
here goes the listtttt - (randomly)
no way/phone wid john&thomas/conference/girl talk with reg/tok to bestfs
for hours/confused/wtf again/jogging with yimling/
happymealatmacdo/gretchel's birthday/indexfingergotBURNED/
howling in pain/2blisters were born/1died/1 still dnt want 2 pass away/
distractions again/wtfffff/wthhhhh/more confusion/lazy/hardworking again/
been eating alot/chicken/chocolates/pork/idunowhatelse/study/study/
distractions/andwth/andwtf/and iamnotmakinganymoresense so i shall STOP HERE.
*smilessssssssss* see? how fun my days have been? interesting life rightttt..
hahha kk lah i wont emo/frown over it alry. hahaha.
idontwantocounthowmanydayslefttosch but anw, here's what i wanna do for
the rest of the dayyyssss: -
this will come in point form , lollllllllllllllllllllll.
- girl talk with reg like manually & not in cyber world& ofcourse
the word "manually" sounds so wrong in this sentence.&&obviously at the same time + outing/town/movies/shopping/camwhores/
smilesmile/laughlaugh/crapcrap/& haha hehe hoho. :D
-Go out with YIMLING&RENEE! i need to give them a call soooonnnnn. dang!
one whole day of hanging out/flashbacks/laugh&llovvee!/
&latenights @basktball court wid bubbletea. haha *winks ((:
-chat with alyannafrancia & marielclarisse! for like hourssss! [:
i just realised my plans are fulll of spending time with my bestffffs,
hahaha coool. (: i hope i will welly make time and like, not go into full zone
wit da bookzxzxzx & rly needs a break.
Blogging for 30mins sure has made me sleepy *yawns* AND ... hungry!
*stomach growling* aiyoohhhhhh. But anw, im too sleepy to snack some
food or hotdrink so im gnna go and sleep with hungry empty stomach
which by the way is not good for health but who cares? i wnt die rightttt ..
what attidude is this sia, kat. okay okay, i think i srlsy need to sleep alry.
who cares bout food @ dis hr. shuckkkks.
Its what lies deep inside, so deep that its difficult to figure it out ...but, you'll nvr know fo sure...Good night, world! <3