Heeyy there. (:
the moment i woke up early in the morning, it was freezing. brrr.
yeap, it was raining cats and dogs. but ha, it was nice. i like cold
weathers. It makes me feel so uhh .. kay haha, i cant find the right
word. I guess it makes me go deeper into my thoughts. hmm.
niways, PE was fantastic. hahaha. I thought we wouldn't have cuz it
was you know, raining. but it kinda stopped during PE period. lol, fate?
anddd we played soccer! yeah. It was funny funny. haha, my team
won 4-3, like duh (kidding!) haha but funny thing was the 3 goals came
from none other than .. Josh Gautam! haha, i mean he was the least
expected person to score yet he did. hahaha. Really, everyone was laughing
when he scored those retarded goals. and the way Jeremy ran was
hilarious, he was like tip-toeing, afraid of slipping cuz he was barefooted. hah!
and the whole entire game, me and tingyi were laughing like crazy. I just
felt like laughing, like someone was tickling me. my angel? maybe. hah.
but niway we were kinda playing in the rain cause aft awhile it kind of
drizzled. Nevertheless, we continued playing. lol. gotta thank Mr Kumar
for letting us play. mwaha. i love PE! :D its fun playing in the rain, bring
back alot of my childhood memories. sighh. :)
Aft sch, hang out in the hall and kinda helped the SCs with tmr's event.
went for SS afterwards. but anyway, later on in the day, me and reg
had a great talked in study area. woah. we talked abt the future and stuffss.
haha, (: like the 'ifs' and stuff like that, just stuff. lol. it was nice talking.
been some time since we have one of those "sentimental" talks, like talk
abt life. hahaa!
today was great xcept that news, sighhh.
Tmr's the great celebration of the teachers. Teacher's Day! (duh) haha.
i have alry made plans and too bad it clash with another activity of mine
which is TGIF but im not gng anymore. Going with my other plan. haaaah. :D
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
YTD was AWESOME. heeh. yeaap, as blog by reg, we had alot of laughter.
like really alot. During recess, haha reg bullied alvin and told on his nickname.
hahaha. and we went arnd disturbing him and just laughing alot. Aft sch, we
were supposed to leave immediately cause we had Chris De Silva Concert to
attend and gotta prepare, stuffs like that. but then, we went gong gong like
started 'insulting' each other, in a positive way laah. hahaha, throwing insults
each other and laughter always comes aft that. We were just walking arnd the
sch like retards, laughing and walking like drunkards. LOL. haha and finally,
aft so much retardation, we left sch and crash at reg's house for abt an hour
or so. Reg did her stuffs and etc .. then we left and crash at my house for the
remaining time. haha, we took so long in my hse.
left house arnd 5.30pm together with sister and we headed to westmall to
eat our dinner first and Oliver came and blahblahblah .. then stupid John
called and told us that the bus was leaving and lalala that we were late and
lalalala. it all came as a joke. tskkk. but anyway, we were really late. hahaha!
so in desperate, we took taxi and OMGGGG, it was the most retarded taxi
ride in my life. the min we boarded the taxi, the uncle started talking to
Oliver and that he shld go into drama, in other words, the uncle was telling
him that he shld be an actor and HAHAHAHA. we were laughing our butts
off and halfway the uncle played a sentimental yet kinda mordern indian song
and Oliver started dancing and the uncle was laughing and we were all LOL
LOL and LOL-ing! funny sia.
so actually, alot of people were kinda late. hahaha. anyway the lower sec took
a different bus with us (the upper sec) and on the way, Natalie was high.
haha cuz we thought that it was P&W where you jump here and there but NOT.
haha, it was kinda formal kind of thing but heeey, i love Chris De Silva's songs.
it was nice to listen to and there were a lil sharings and some were really
touching. (: and oh, the venue was in Simei, ITE College East and trust me, the
school is O.O .. really huge and nice! so .. anyway the concert ended late and
again OMGGGG, the most retarded bus ride ever! HAHAHA. i expected
people to be sleeping in the bus cuz well, it was alry late buuut haha NO.
Instead the bus turned into a pub and all of a sudden, we were all dancing
and singing in the bus, i guess its because of the bus. It had some colourful
spotlights. hahaha! hahaha! then somewhere, someone said sth like really
funny and soooo out of topic which cracked all of us up and for abt 15mins,
all you could hear were laughters from a bunch of crazy people. LOL!
the bus ride ended and our stomachs were aching from all those, and i
became reallyhungry from all the laughter so me and sis plus john and reg
headed to Macs to have late night supper. Went home arnd 12.30+ am.
chatted with dad for awhile aft that and ahhhhh! cuz as previously mentioned,
Mom and two lil sissys are in PHIL. so we were like planning to go back there
this coming Nov/Dec but the tickets are expensive like really expensive(!!?)
even the budget airlines. tsssskk. but now, it seems that there's 80% chance
of going back because Gretchel (youngest sis) has been mentioning all of us
here and kept asking where are we and each time she sees an airplane, she'll
thought that we were in that airplane and would kept asking when we wld be
coming. like AWWWW. my lil sis misses us esp me! hahaaha. okay all of us.
so we might have to go back for vacay. yay! :D and ohhh, both of them are
alry schooling there in some private sch and i guess both of them are enjoying
sch cuz sch there is always fun. i canttt waaaiiittt.
and TODAAAAY! i was supposed to go out with RENEE TAY but i ditched
her for sleeping. ahhhh! i mean i fall asleep! i feeel so so guilty cuz its been
a long long time since i met her and catch up with one another. speaking of
which, teacher's day nxt week! not sure if gonna go back to HKPS, gotta
check with renee and yimling. haha :P
ahhh, gonna be busy with so many stuffs. tests and homeworks seems to be
so overloaded for my brain to take in. but got no choice. just gotta make
sure i dont get so much stress if not .. tsskkk. idk. i might even flunked EOY
and gonna get package off to phil to continue study or sth. gaaaaahhh.
but things are going to be okay cuz life doesnt always revolve arnd studies
and studies, there are always things you are better with.
i can always try again.
okayyy so i sound like im really preparing to fail. wth kat. hahahahhaha!
im you know confident in my studies now, atleast. :D
bye, sucha long post. LOL. (:
YTD was AWESOME. heeh. yeaap, as blog by reg, we had alot of laughter.
like really alot. During recess, haha reg bullied alvin and told on his nickname.
hahaha. and we went arnd disturbing him and just laughing alot. Aft sch, we
were supposed to leave immediately cause we had Chris De Silva Concert to
attend and gotta prepare, stuffs like that. but then, we went gong gong like
started 'insulting' each other, in a positive way laah. hahaha, throwing insults
each other and laughter always comes aft that. We were just walking arnd the
sch like retards, laughing and walking like drunkards. LOL. haha and finally,
aft so much retardation, we left sch and crash at reg's house for abt an hour
or so. Reg did her stuffs and etc .. then we left and crash at my house for the
remaining time. haha, we took so long in my hse.
left house arnd 5.30pm together with sister and we headed to westmall to
eat our dinner first and Oliver came and blahblahblah .. then stupid John
called and told us that the bus was leaving and lalala that we were late and
lalalala. it all came as a joke. tskkk. but anyway, we were really late. hahaha!
so in desperate, we took taxi and OMGGGG, it was the most retarded taxi
ride in my life. the min we boarded the taxi, the uncle started talking to
Oliver and that he shld go into drama, in other words, the uncle was telling
him that he shld be an actor and HAHAHAHA. we were laughing our butts
off and halfway the uncle played a sentimental yet kinda mordern indian song
and Oliver started dancing and the uncle was laughing and we were all LOL
LOL and LOL-ing! funny sia.
so actually, alot of people were kinda late. hahaha. anyway the lower sec took
a different bus with us (the upper sec) and on the way, Natalie was high.
haha cuz we thought that it was P&W where you jump here and there but NOT.
haha, it was kinda formal kind of thing but heeey, i love Chris De Silva's songs.
it was nice to listen to and there were a lil sharings and some were really
touching. (: and oh, the venue was in Simei, ITE College East and trust me, the
school is O.O .. really huge and nice! so .. anyway the concert ended late and
again OMGGGG, the most retarded bus ride ever! HAHAHA. i expected
people to be sleeping in the bus cuz well, it was alry late buuut haha NO.
Instead the bus turned into a pub and all of a sudden, we were all dancing
and singing in the bus, i guess its because of the bus. It had some colourful
spotlights. hahaha! hahaha! then somewhere, someone said sth like really
funny and soooo out of topic which cracked all of us up and for abt 15mins,
all you could hear were laughters from a bunch of crazy people. LOL!
the bus ride ended and our stomachs were aching from all those, and i
became reallyhungry from all the laughter so me and sis plus john and reg
headed to Macs to have late night supper. Went home arnd 12.30+ am.
chatted with dad for awhile aft that and ahhhhh! cuz as previously mentioned,
Mom and two lil sissys are in PHIL. so we were like planning to go back there
this coming Nov/Dec but the tickets are expensive like really expensive(!!?)
even the budget airlines. tsssskk. but now, it seems that there's 80% chance
of going back because Gretchel (youngest sis) has been mentioning all of us
here and kept asking where are we and each time she sees an airplane, she'll
thought that we were in that airplane and would kept asking when we wld be
coming. like AWWWW. my lil sis misses us esp me! hahaaha. okay all of us.
so we might have to go back for vacay. yay! :D and ohhh, both of them are
alry schooling there in some private sch and i guess both of them are enjoying
sch cuz sch there is always fun. i canttt waaaiiittt.
and TODAAAAY! i was supposed to go out with RENEE TAY but i ditched
her for sleeping. ahhhh! i mean i fall asleep! i feeel so so guilty cuz its been
a long long time since i met her and catch up with one another. speaking of
which, teacher's day nxt week! not sure if gonna go back to HKPS, gotta
check with renee and yimling. haha :P
ahhh, gonna be busy with so many stuffs. tests and homeworks seems to be
so overloaded for my brain to take in. but got no choice. just gotta make
sure i dont get so much stress if not .. tsskkk. idk. i might even flunked EOY
and gonna get package off to phil to continue study or sth. gaaaaahhh.
but things are going to be okay cuz life doesnt always revolve arnd studies
and studies, there are always things you are better with.
i can always try again.
okayyy so i sound like im really preparing to fail. wth kat. hahahahhaha!
im you know confident in my studies now, atleast. :D
bye, sucha long post. LOL. (:
Sunday, August 17, 2008
omg! omg! the tv's on but im here using the computer ...
because because, its the finals of the Olympics table-tennis (Women)
and ahhhhh! i cant bear to see it! its so scaryyy. my heart is
beating like tooooot (!!) LOL. but seriously.
im a sucker when it comes to this kind of stuffs. :/
i dont know why but aarrgghh yes.
esp, dramas. where all the kontrabidas (enemies) comes
out and lahlahlah create troubles for the good people
even though i know its gonna have a happpyy ending.
hahaha, dang! so thats why usually i only watched the
last few ending parts of a drama serial. lol!
i hope Singapore gets this one. Jia You! :D
and i dont know the current score. shucks. :/
sister updating me. hahhaha.
im so into Olympics this time. lol. i watched
the swimming and ahhhh, Michael Phelps!! he's an OMGGG!
superb swimmer indeed. and i wanna watched the basketball! tsk.
okay enough abt Olympics.
Abt sch this time, according to Alvin. EOY is in 4weeks time?
like really arh?! i so did not know that. and im panicking like
crazzzzyy. hmm, what if i dont make it to sec4? cause honestly
my studies suck now. -.- oh weeelll. there.is.still.time. hahhaha.
and ooohh, today's Sunday eh. Reg came over to my house
aft church and we studied. haha. taught her chemistry and
i studied lil bit of maths. and reg cooked lunch/dinner for me. LOL!
egggg with honeyyy! :D thanks arh! hahahah. sarap yung luto mo! (:
wanted to cam-whore but my hp suck (the image quality) and couldnt
find the camera and so nvm. we ended up gossiping on my bro's bed.
haha and oh btw, bro wasnt at home kaaayyy. plus it was windy
and colddd. bro's bed nearby the window whaatt. it was ffffun
gossiping once in a blue moon. hahaha.
lately, i've been listening to lots of love songs, those songs in the
80's/90's. hmmmm ... nice! (:
omg! omg! the tv's on but im here using the computer ...
because because, its the finals of the Olympics table-tennis (Women)
and ahhhhh! i cant bear to see it! its so scaryyy. my heart is
beating like tooooot (!!) LOL. but seriously.
im a sucker when it comes to this kind of stuffs. :/
i dont know why but aarrgghh yes.
esp, dramas. where all the kontrabidas (enemies) comes
out and lahlahlah create troubles for the good people
even though i know its gonna have a happpyy ending.
hahaha, dang! so thats why usually i only watched the
last few ending parts of a drama serial. lol!
i hope Singapore gets this one. Jia You! :D
and i dont know the current score. shucks. :/
sister updating me. hahhaha.
im so into Olympics this time. lol. i watched
the swimming and ahhhh, Michael Phelps!! he's an OMGGG!
superb swimmer indeed. and i wanna watched the basketball! tsk.
okay enough abt Olympics.
Abt sch this time, according to Alvin. EOY is in 4weeks time?
like really arh?! i so did not know that. and im panicking like
crazzzzyy. hmm, what if i dont make it to sec4? cause honestly
my studies suck now. -.- oh weeelll. there.is.still.time. hahhaha.
and ooohh, today's Sunday eh. Reg came over to my house
aft church and we studied. haha. taught her chemistry and
i studied lil bit of maths. and reg cooked lunch/dinner for me. LOL!
egggg with honeyyy! :D thanks arh! hahahah. sarap yung luto mo! (:
wanted to cam-whore but my hp suck (the image quality) and couldnt
find the camera and so nvm. we ended up gossiping on my bro's bed.
haha and oh btw, bro wasnt at home kaaayyy. plus it was windy
and colddd. bro's bed nearby the window whaatt. it was ffffun
gossiping once in a blue moon. hahaha.
lately, i've been listening to lots of love songs, those songs in the
80's/90's. hmmmm ... nice! (:
Friday, August 15, 2008
its friday, the 15th. haha okay, nothing abt that.
soooooo.. my last update was on the Japan hosting.
yeaap. it was ffffffun (: turned out that she (Kanako)
was like only sec1 but she's suppose to be pri6. o.O
and omggg lahh, i kinda had a hard time communicating
with her cuz she doesnt speak english, only a little little bit.
and most of the time, i had to use sign language. hahaha.
buttt fuuuun dey. first day, brought her to town and walk arnd.
second day, brought her to vivo city and sentosa. enjoyable! :D
like we took them to the skyride and ludge(sp?) .. cycled arnd
the beaches (since she cycles) and more ... hahaha.
the farewell lunch was oookaaay tooo. we were suppose to bring
them to play bowling but theenn the bowling center were all booked
and reserve. and they wanted to shop AGAIN at vivo city. -.-
cabbed to vivo and etc. last day! boohhoo. sent them to
Orchid Country Club and we had our SAYONARA there. ):
just so you know, all our outings inlcuded reg and her guest, Saori. (:
on the first day, sissy tagged along. then sentosa day, John Thomas,
azmi and his guest, yuki came to sentosa and "bumped" into us. (lol)
and the rest of the remaining days, we were all bringing them arnd
together minus John T. .. gets? haha. and our guests were from the
same sch, Aya Jr. High. which means that they went back on Monday
unlike the Shiiba students who went back on Sunday. so there you go.
that long weekend was so enjoyable and fun and hilarious and
entertaining and yeeaaaah. ((: i miss talking in Japanese, like
in one word, hahaha and esp using sign languages which can really
get retarded. hahaha. i want to host again nxt yr! but i doubt i can.
o-level eh. -.-
pictures nxt time when i have uploaded it.
omgg lah, this year, the hosting. HAHAHA. so much retarded
and super super hilarious stuffs abt the Japanese students.
funny can? :DDD
its friday, the 15th. haha okay, nothing abt that.
soooooo.. my last update was on the Japan hosting.
yeaap. it was ffffffun (: turned out that she (Kanako)
was like only sec1 but she's suppose to be pri6. o.O
and omggg lahh, i kinda had a hard time communicating
with her cuz she doesnt speak english, only a little little bit.
and most of the time, i had to use sign language. hahaha.
buttt fuuuun dey. first day, brought her to town and walk arnd.
second day, brought her to vivo city and sentosa. enjoyable! :D
like we took them to the skyride and ludge(sp?) .. cycled arnd
the beaches (since she cycles) and more ... hahaha.
the farewell lunch was oookaaay tooo. we were suppose to bring
them to play bowling but theenn the bowling center were all booked
and reserve. and they wanted to shop AGAIN at vivo city. -.-
cabbed to vivo and etc. last day! boohhoo. sent them to
Orchid Country Club and we had our SAYONARA there. ):
just so you know, all our outings inlcuded reg and her guest, Saori. (:
on the first day, sissy tagged along. then sentosa day, John Thomas,
azmi and his guest, yuki came to sentosa and "bumped" into us. (lol)
and the rest of the remaining days, we were all bringing them arnd
together minus John T. .. gets? haha. and our guests were from the
same sch, Aya Jr. High. which means that they went back on Monday
unlike the Shiiba students who went back on Sunday. so there you go.
that long weekend was so enjoyable and fun and hilarious and
entertaining and yeeaaaah. ((: i miss talking in Japanese, like
in one word, hahaha and esp using sign languages which can really
get retarded. hahaha. i want to host again nxt yr! but i doubt i can.
o-level eh. -.-
pictures nxt time when i have uploaded it.
omgg lah, this year, the hosting. HAHAHA. so much retarded
and super super hilarious stuffs abt the Japanese students.
funny can? :DDD
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Monday, August 04, 2008
Yesterday was the FOODnFUNFAIR of SMOTA.
haaaah. fun lah okay. the whole of my Sunday morning
and half of the aftnn was spent there. I spent most of my
tickets on the Pinoy food stall. lolll. there was like nothing
much to eat and i din feel like eating though. Went there
super early laah cause of game stall duties. 8am hokaaay.
but it was kinda slacked cuz there were lesser people.
funn ehhh, looking aft the stalls and calling kids to come
and play. we had to do the 'land fishing and 'wheel of fortune'
stall. haha. so later when duty was done, met up with reg and
walked arnd. then met alvin, endy, nicholas and roy together
with michelle. we walked arnd and round then saw bryan
and we were like in one place, staying and kinda stoning like
we din know where to go first. and alvin kept saying sia suay
here and there. lol! he's a shy boy. hahaha.
went for 1230 mass and sat with the two Johns, alvin,
endy and reg. then went back again to finish our tickets. lol.
and ohhh yah, we did this handprint stuffs cuz they were trying
to break the record of longest handprint banner? 50m. hahah.
and i paste my handprint like 3times. loll.
and todaaaayyy.
chem test was -.- -.-' ... had meeting for the Japanese host stuffs
and haaaah, i dragged reg. hoping that she could still host and yeap,
she did. and yeaaah. im hosting again this year. woohhoo. (:
i forgot her name though but cant wait to meet her this friday.
she's like frm Aya Jr. High Sch, which means she'll be staying in my
house for 4days and three nights. O.O weeeee. kinda long huh? :D
Yesterday was the FOODnFUNFAIR of SMOTA.
haaaah. fun lah okay. the whole of my Sunday morning
and half of the aftnn was spent there. I spent most of my
tickets on the Pinoy food stall. lolll. there was like nothing
much to eat and i din feel like eating though. Went there
super early laah cause of game stall duties. 8am hokaaay.
but it was kinda slacked cuz there were lesser people.
funn ehhh, looking aft the stalls and calling kids to come
and play. we had to do the 'land fishing and 'wheel of fortune'
stall. haha. so later when duty was done, met up with reg and
walked arnd. then met alvin, endy, nicholas and roy together
with michelle. we walked arnd and round then saw bryan
and we were like in one place, staying and kinda stoning like
we din know where to go first. and alvin kept saying sia suay
here and there. lol! he's a shy boy. hahaha.
went for 1230 mass and sat with the two Johns, alvin,
endy and reg. then went back again to finish our tickets. lol.
and ohhh yah, we did this handprint stuffs cuz they were trying
to break the record of longest handprint banner? 50m. hahah.
and i paste my handprint like 3times. loll.
and todaaaayyy.
chem test was -.- -.-' ... had meeting for the Japanese host stuffs
and haaaah, i dragged reg. hoping that she could still host and yeap,
she did. and yeaaah. im hosting again this year. woohhoo. (:
i forgot her name though but cant wait to meet her this friday.
she's like frm Aya Jr. High Sch, which means she'll be staying in my
house for 4days and three nights. O.O weeeee. kinda long huh? :D
Friday, August 01, 2008
today was a heck-retard day. so slack can?
Cath class in the morning first and we practiced
songs for founders day. lol. e-maths period, we did
test and then for Eng, i almost slept half-way thru.
aft recess was unusual.
instead of gng back to class, they sent us the girls to
AVT and a teacher tok to us abt sme stuffs.
while walking back to class (the guys werent back yet),
saw a few ppl and a banner stand (??) that says 'street aviate' ?
haha and yeap, there was a performance but only it was going
to be showed aft sch but things kind of got chaotic and hahahha.
Mr Keh had to like announce all of us to get back inside the class.
hahaah fuunny scenes just now.
so anw, the juggler was great (his performance), he's frm
Japan and his name's pepper zero. LOL. his accent was real cute. lol!
aiyah, lazy to elaborate. lol. but it was entertaining, enjoyed it. :D
today was a heck-retard day. so slack can?
Cath class in the morning first and we practiced
songs for founders day. lol. e-maths period, we did
test and then for Eng, i almost slept half-way thru.
aft recess was unusual.
instead of gng back to class, they sent us the girls to
AVT and a teacher tok to us abt sme stuffs.
while walking back to class (the guys werent back yet),
saw a few ppl and a banner stand (??) that says 'street aviate' ?
haha and yeap, there was a performance but only it was going
to be showed aft sch but things kind of got chaotic and hahahha.
Mr Keh had to like announce all of us to get back inside the class.
hahaah fuunny scenes just now.
so anw, the juggler was great (his performance), he's frm
Japan and his name's pepper zero. LOL. his accent was real cute. lol!
aiyah, lazy to elaborate. lol. but it was entertaining, enjoyed it. :D
Heeello August!
aw, how time reaally flies.

PHIL '08 (: -

lil sisters, (:

haha, actually the one on my left and right are my sister's childhood
friends in Dubai and yeap, they are twins. their mom and my mom were
bestfriends before they were even married. coool huh? :D
there's more pics i wanna post actually but nah lazzzyyyness is tking
over me so some other time i guess? haha.
hope ya enjoy yeah? and looking at the photos again, i did not realise
i actually did had alot of fun back there (Phil). awwwwie.
i miss my two lil sisters. shucks.
aw, how time reaally flies.

PHIL '08 (: -
lil sisters, (:
haha, actually the one on my left and right are my sister's childhood
friends in Dubai and yeap, they are twins. their mom and my mom were
bestfriends before they were even married. coool huh? :D
there's more pics i wanna post actually but nah lazzzyyyness is tking
over me so some other time i guess? haha.
hope ya enjoy yeah? and looking at the photos again, i did not realise
i actually did had alot of fun back there (Phil). awwwwie.
i miss my two lil sisters. shucks.
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